
Saturday, June 08, 2013

"Arkangel" Animal Liberation Fanzine

 I found this site that has many old fanzines available for download,
including "Arkangel." I just recently dug out an old issue
of this fantastic militant animal liberation fanzine from my storage
unit in the basement of my mother's apartment. 

I will say that I am NOT vegan anymore.  And I haven't been

for a long time.  I was vegan in the early 90's but stopped for a couple of years
due to circumstances out of my control.  In 1998 I went vegan again until about 2008
It is something that was important to me at one time though

it no longer is.

"Arkangel Animal Liberation Fanzine" (link)
(Edit Aug 10, 2013 --this link seems to be dead.  I will try to find another source for this great fanzine.)

On This Date in 1967 Israeli Military Attacked an American Ship--

Terrorist attack. 
June 8, 1967 the USS Liberty was savagely attacked by the Israeli military ships & planes.  34 people were instantly killed--blown to bits, literally.  Hundreds more were wounded. There still has never been a REAL investigation into this.  An extremely sad day for the world. Israel holocausted our American serviceman while they were legally working in international waters.  After it was all said & done the crooked, dirty, lying Israelis claimed it was a case of mistaken identity, which is complete & utter bullshit. 

Our American government is occupied by a foreign power: Israel.  AIPAC has politicians in their front pocket. It can't get much worse than it is now. 

R.I.P. to those who lost their lives on that tragic day.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Current Playlist For the Soundtrack To My Life--

Do not be mistaken by this post, I am NOT suicidal.  Depressed some, maybe.  Pissed off & angry?
Yeah, some. I've been told by a couple of people lately that I seem to be "full of anger."  I wouldn't say that I'm full of anger though.  Like all human being, I am multi-faceted and at times a walking contradiction of myself.  I do want there to be love & understanding at every step of the way in my life.  I do want there to be peace everywhere in the world.  I do want for everyone to get along & work together for the common benefit.  But we all know that you can't always get what you want.  Even the ROLLING STONES knew that!  So some of the time I am extremely angry & bitter & some of the time I'm super positive, optimistic, happy & content.  I suppose that when I was younger, as a little punk rock teenager, I was very angry all the time.  That seemed to be the nature of being punk.  You were angry at society, the world, and the rulers of this fucked up system.  THAT's what punk rock was all about, or so I thought.
But now, today, being a bit older I don't necessarily see things the same way.  Also, being forced to play the hand I've been dealt has given me a different perspective on things.  However I suppose I'm a bit more outspoken when I'm angry, so I see how some friends could convict me of being "full of anger." Because, after all, when you stand accused of something, you must be ready to be convicted.
Still--as always--take care of each other & look out for one another. And enjoy the music here.
We're all in this together. m//r







New Books I'm Digging--

Well, of course we here at m//r love books & love reading in general!

I spend more than I earn, on books. Huh? No, it doesn't make any sense to me either.

Here's what I've got new to dig into:

"Secret Journey to Planet Serpo: A True Story of Interplanetary Travel"
  -by Len Kasten

"On Being Catholic"
  -by Thomas Howard

"The Secret History of Consciousness: Ancient Keys to Our Future Survival"
  -by Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.

"Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny, and Fate"
  -by Gregg Braden

"Breaking the Mirror of Heaven: The Conspiracy to Suppress the Voice of Ancient Egypt"
  -by Robert Bauval & Ahmed Osman

"Forbidden Science: From Ancient Technologies to Free Energy"
  -edited by J. Douglas Kenyon

"X - Events: Complexity Overload & the Collapse of Everything"
  -by John Casti

"Pope Francis"
  -by Matthew E. Bunson, D.Min.

Monday, June 03, 2013

Got Several New Books In the Mail Today & Learned To Control My Mouth & My Brain--

It was a good mail day today. After being a shitty day early on, the mail lady came & brightened things up for me a bit.  Other than that my "boss" still didn't pay me today!!! I called him last night to ask him if he could please drop off my check to me this morning, since he DID say he was going to pay me today, and he told me no, he couldn't bring it to me because he wasn't even gonna' be around today!  What?!?  He told me two Friday's ago that he couldn't pay me that day but he would pay me on Tues., after the holiday. Then on Tues. he said we weren't working that day--ostensibly due to rain--but we would be working on Wed. So I assumed he'd pay me Wed. Nope. He told me there wasn't much more work for me, but he'd have a check first thing Mon. morning for me. That's why I called him last night. I tried calling him today but there's no answer. He DID tell me last night that he had another big job & needed me this week, so we'll see. But he already owes me over $300 and I'm not sure I want to work for him anymore. Things could change, and I do need the money. I've got some serious bills that need my attention, not to mention rent that is past due now. Last night he promised me a check this Friday. Hmmm. Seems like he's dodging me. Fortunately for me I made him cut me a check last week for $240, but he asked me not to cash it yet, that he'd pay me my full amount due a.s.a.p. So I've been holding off on putting this check through, but if, by this Fri., he doesn't pay me the full sum of what I'm owed, I'll cash this check and cut me losses. Lesson learned. when dealing with racist, half-assed, inbred, 21 yr old chodes, BE CAREFUL. 
That's my rant on the b.s. of the day. If it's not one thing it's another. I've had some comfort with my Christian meditation lately. Between Eucharistic Adoration & some mystical Christianity (of the Roman Catholic variety) books I've got my nose in, I've been able to sleep a little easier, and calm down when my mind gets to racing. I take comfort in knowing that my Lord, Jesus Christ, is with me all the time, at every step of the way. I try to picture Jesus sitting with me, at the end of my bed, verbally telling me, "it's all right My son."  THAT is a big help. Say what you may about my religious/spiritual leanings, but it works for me. "Restraint of pen & tongue" is about the greatest piece of advice I've ever read.
Use love. ♥ m//r
Here's a few of the titles the mail lady brought me today:

"The Dynamics of Israeli-Palestinian Relations: Theory, History, and Cases"

  -by Ben Soetendorp

"UFO Religion: Inside Flying Saucer Cults & Culture"
  -by Greg L. Reece

"The Station: Travels to the Holy Mountain of Greece"
  -by Robert Byron

......and a couple of history & religious books.

Sunday, June 02, 2013

" Beings & Things: The Story of Love " (a short film of wisdom) Excellent Food For Thought--

Word to the wise. 

An excellent short film made by a Hare Krishna devotee, ostensibly to teach a lesson on the harmful element of "attraction" that is in all of us.  "One man's trash is another man's treasure."  He teaches us how we go through this life using people to meet our needs, to make us feel better, or to try to solve our problems.  I like the idea behind this vignette, but I feel like the filmmaker is assuming that we are all just simply materialist's with no spirituality injected into our day to day lives. I know for me at least, that isn't the case.  I TRY to be conscious of who & what I am using. That at least is a beginning. Though I don't consider myself to be a spiritual beginner, I'm also not a spiritual giant. Perhaps I'm somewhere in-between.

Watch this. Learn from it, perhaps. And give yourself a break. 
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is THAT bad in your life. A problem shared with someone else is a problem split in half. That's what my spiritual teachers always tell me. And I've found it to be the truth.
Use love. ♥ m//r 

Saturday, June 01, 2013

" Journey Through the Universe at the Speed of Light " Awesome HD Video Exploring Our Universe!--

This is amazing to watch on full screen in 1080p! I'm pretty sure it's Alec Baldwin narrating this video. He has narrated at least one other video of this type, so it's a good guess he did this one. I think this might be from Discovery Channel but there are no breaks in it or annoying logos. It takes you on a guided tour all over our solar system & beyond, stopping off at various planets & moons to investigate! Pretty cool if you ask me! Get in to it! It really makes you realize how small and inconsequential & insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things. ♥ m//r