
Showing posts with label holocaust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holocaust. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

"The Real and Only Truth About This World" Yes, Another 'Conspiracy' Video

This is a long one folks! I certainly can't back everything contained in this documentary, but it DOES give much food for thought. God bless you all.  We are on this journey together.   "If it doesn't come out in the wash, it'll come out in the rinse."


Saturday, June 08, 2013

On This Date in 1967 Israeli Military Attacked an American Ship--

Terrorist attack. 
June 8, 1967 the USS Liberty was savagely attacked by the Israeli military ships & planes.  34 people were instantly killed--blown to bits, literally.  Hundreds more were wounded. There still has never been a REAL investigation into this.  An extremely sad day for the world. Israel holocausted our American serviceman while they were legally working in international waters.  After it was all said & done the crooked, dirty, lying Israelis claimed it was a case of mistaken identity, which is complete & utter bullshit. 

Our American government is occupied by a foreign power: Israel.  AIPAC has politicians in their front pocket. It can't get much worse than it is now. 

R.I.P. to those who lost their lives on that tragic day.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

" The Hidden History: The Khazar Empire " Converting En Masse to Judaism

Short, succinct video of a middle eastern Muslim man explaining a bit about the Khazarian people converting en masse to Judaism. It is said that 90% or more of modern Israel's population are descended from Khazarian's. They are NOT a Semitic people at all! Thus laying waste to the claim that anyone who criticizes Israel is "antisemitic." Just watch the video dummy. ♥♥♥


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

" The Zionist Story " You must watch this!!! ♥

This is a fantastic video!  Educate yourself on the evils of modern day Zionism, as well as
it's terrible roots!  Then remember that modern Zionist's and their agenda(s) are promulgated
by pounding into everyone's head that  this Jewish Holocaust™ was the WORST thing that has
ever happened in the history of the earth!  Which is so laughable and so far from the truth that it
just makes one sick to keep hearing about it!  A farce!  A lie!  The Holocaust™ did NOT even 
happen the way the Zionist's keep telling us it did!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Very Interesting Post on CODOH Site:

This is a most interesting post I ran across on the CODOH (Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust).  It is a copy of a letter sent by a man who has been studying the Jewish holocaust™ for over 25 years, to Deborah Lipstadt, an author of several holocaust™ books.  She is, of course, a Jewish woman, and several years ago was sued for libel by David Irving, albeit unsuccessfully.  Lipstadt is a proponent of the traditional holocaust™ "story" that the German Nazi's killed 6 million Jews using "homicidal gas chambers" and then burned most of the corpses in large ovens or open air fires.  Modern science & basic chemistry has long since de-bunked this story, which has been force fed to us since the early 1950's.  However, in 15 countries across the world, it is a felony punishable by prison time for questioning any aspects of the holocaust™.  NO KIDDING!!!  Think about that for a moment: You can & will be imprisoned for merely doubting or questioning ANY aspects of the holocaust!  Hot damn!  You mean to tell me that of ALL the era's in world history, of all the wars, of all the holocausts that have happened to various peoples throughout world history, ONLY the Jewish holocaust™ CANNOT be questioned or opened up to discussion, debate, and revisionism?  WHY?  Who the hell decided that this particular era of history was unquestionable?  How backwards is this? We have finally come to the point in time when thought crimes are a reality. This is a shame & an embarrassment. It just reeks of a cover-up. What are the Jews & the Zionists hiding? What are they afraid we might discover?  
Well, it's a bit too late!  There have been so many "secret" investigations & tests & research done at the alleged "homicidal gas chambers" and they all PROVE that they WERE NOT used for or as homicidal gas chambers!!!  Simple chemical tests done prove there was no use of Cyanide, in the form of Zyklon-B, in these "chambers."  Not to mention the fact that they have doors & windows in the buildings.  No reinforced steel, airtight doors like one would expect from a "homicidal gas chamber."
There have also been scientific tests done at alleged "mass graves" mostly at Treblinka, that show there were NEVER any mass graves there!  They have used modern, sophisticated sonar ultra-sound machines to conclude that the ground was NOT disturbed, was never dug to any significant depth, and certainly not deep enough to accommodate several hundred's of thousands of bodies! HOT DAMN!  This is incredible news!  They also did extensive searches for human remains, tested the age of many trees in the surrounding areas & forests, etc.  If there were HUGE open air incinerator's & fires, the Nazi's would've needed to chop down thousands & thousands of trees for the wood to burn the bodies.  Well ALL the trees in the area were found to be older than 1945, hence they couldn't have been re-planted post WWII, as the holocausters, the people who support the traditional holocaust™ story claim.  Additionally, hundred's of aerial photos from the time span that Jewish sources say the multitude of bodies were being burned, are devoid of any plumes of smoke!!!  If there were bodies being burned around the clock, as mainstream holocausters claim, there should & would have been plumes of smoke visible at many, many different times!  Huge clouds of smoke, flames leaping around, etc.  Also, photos of this & other camps DO NOT have ANY giant wood piles which would've been needed to burn that many bodies.  Seized camp blueprints & records are all lacking the location of wood storage sheds of any significant size.  This may sound trivial you say (and in 15 countries a person can be jailed for this kind of questioning!)  Seriously, I'm not an expert, but when the revisionists interview scores of people in the 'funeral-cremation' business, fire experts, doctors, fire fighters, etc, and they tell us how much wood & how big of a fire would be needed to burn 300,000 bodies, it DOES NOT jive with the traditional holocuast™ story.  THIS is what is meant by "holocaust revisionism."  Examining the 'crime scene' like is done at any other murder site.  Why the heck do Jews around the world want to jail us for asking these questions???   
Steven Spielbucks is the worst of the Zion-crooks!  His "Shoah Foundation" is spreading lie after lie after lie around the globe.  Now's he's got some documentary with this batty old lady, Irene Blattsss..something, telling us she smuggled her family diamonds into Auschwitz with her. In order to keep them hidden & safe, she swallowed them, not once, but EVERY NIGHT, then shit them out the next day, washed them off (even after telling us that water was scarce which no one denies, as shortages of food, water, and medicines were rampant, especially after the Allies bombed most of the railways & train tracks!), and then she re-swallowed them! Supposedly she did this EVERY BLOODY DAY for 15 months!!!  WTF?!?!  Who the heck believes this total b.s. pity story???  I don't buy it for one damn minute.  But hundreds of thousands, if not millions do: she tours America & other countries giving these talks to elementary, middle, and high school groups & classes, for a fee$$$$$.  Of course for a fee, after all, there's no business like "Shoah business!" This holocaust is a huge money making scam and that's all it is.  I don't buy it.  Sure, Jews suffered during WWII, at the hands of the sumbag Nazi's (I am no fan of the Nazi's at all!)   But it should also be mentioned that the Jewish populace declared war on Germany.  Economic war.  And believe me, they were very influential & prosperous and able to inflict serious economic damage.  Just look at how powerful the Jews are in America today.  They own almost every media outlet, movie studio, & leading internet sites.  They own most of the banks and a ton of property.  They are 2% of the American population but own 90% of the TV & radio stations & newspapers & magazines.  So Jews DID suffer, no revisionist or others argue that, but so did MY PEOPLE, the Catholics!  So did homosexuals, Gypsies, Jehovah Witnesses, and last but certainly not least, innocent German civilians!  Where is the German Memorial Museum for their people lost in WWII??? No one seems to give a rat's ass about them.  What about the brutal, inhumane carpet-bombing of Dresden which killed ten's or even hundred's of thousands of old men, women, & children!  Helpless, defenseless people, pets & property.  Hospitals, clinics, food stores, etc etc.
I've had enough of the lack of truth being promulgated.
I'm tired of this scamming of the people.
Sick, perverted, swine using a bloody war to make money 60 years later.  Gross and shameful.

Here is the letter this man wrote to Ms. Lipstadt:

Dear Madame:
My name is Jerzy Ulicki-Rek and I'm 56-years-old Polish-Australian.
After studying the "holocaust' for almost 25 years, I do not have
ANY doubts that the official version (6 millions, gas chambers,
electric chambers, vacuum chambers etc. is nothing else but a pile
of lies. Looking for new information, I forced myself to read your
book "Denying the holocaust".

The number of lies you produced between the covers is fantastic.
Some of them, as I stated in my email to the university, which
employs you, are absolutely fantastic and even the official 'holocaust'
Museum in Oswiecim (Auschwitz) is very reluctant to confirm you words:)
In fact they refuse to comment on your revelations.
To refute all the lies will take a long time, and maybe another book.
Now, here is just one of your creations:

On the page 115 you wrote:

"Harwood contended that the report made "nonsense" of the allegation that
there were "gas chambers' cunningly disguised as shower facilities".
He substantiated this assertion by quoting a passage from the report (IRC
report published in 1948 -Jerzy) that depicted how IRC officials inspected
baths and showers in the camps.
When they found problems they acted swiftly "to have fixtures made less
primitive and to have them repaired or enlarged".
This, Harwood argued, demonstrated conclusively that showers functioned as
showers, however primitive, and not as a killing apparatus.
The problem with Harwood choice of this citation, which he quoted correctly,
End of quote.

No ,Madame.
You are presenting us with another lie.

I am VERY familiar with the IRC report.
Those words are in relation to a concentration camp.
Please, do not insult us any more.

Jerzy Ulicki-Rek

CODOH message board/forum  (link)     

Please read The Barnes Review bi-monthly journal of historical revisionism.  It will open your eyes, enrage you, and enlighten you.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Hilarious New Spielberg Holocaust Hoax Parody!!! Worthwhile Link to a Cool Video--

Let me make my usual disclaimer for all the naive, small minded people out there: I hate racists. I strongly dislike Nazi's & National Socialist politics. Are there REALLY any Nazi's today? Not really. There is no country on the planet with a sizable National Socialist political party. Nazi is an abbreviation for the political party that once ran Germany. Therefore there are no real Nazi's around today. There are people who pretend to be Nazi's. I strongly dislike them, as I said. I am no huge fan of the Jews, as many people know. So what though. That doesn't make me a bad person at all. Many people, some even my friends (gasp!) are anti-Christian!!! Or anti-Catholic!!! Or anti-gay. That doesn't make them bad people. While I am not gay, I am a Catholic Christian! Actually, there are many people who flat out HATE Catholicism, even hating Catholic people. So what. That doesn't make that person racist. Being racist makes someone have racist tendencies. I hate racists. I also hate Zionist's, which are racists. Zionism = Nazism. I believe in Jewish holocaust™ revisionism, the same way I believe in revisionism of ANY topic. I love alien / extra terrestrial revisionism! Where at one time we thought we were perhaps the only living intelligent life in the universe, we now know that to be FALSE, due to revisionism. Just look at the messages encoded in many of the latest & greatest crop circles in England. Answers to the questions and information the world sent out on a deep space satellite & the radio signals the world sent towards the center of the Milky Way!!! That's an entirely separate issue, however.

>>>Check out this video, with an open-mind, and most importantly, QUESTION REALITY!
Question EVERYTHING! Use your brain. Investigate, don't believe the MSM (mainstream media!)
>>> UPDATE! 5/27/13------> This video is two hours long. The link is still alive & active, I just checked. Going thru some old posts on here, so that I can erase the redundant ones, or the ones that I no longer feel the same way about (yes, I am a revisionist, after all!)
>>> Remember to always use love & respect when talking to people you disagree with.♥♥♥

Spielberg Parody Movie (link)

Great Article on Fred Leuchter! From

Fred Leuchter is an American expert on manners of death due to capital punishment. He is NOT
a neo-Nazi or any kind of fascist. He's just a nerd from the Boston area who knows a lot about gas
chambers, nooses, lethal injection, etc. Please read this article with an open mind. ♥

A very succinctly written article about the arrest of Fred Leuchter (link)

Even though this is old (the Nov/Dec 1993 issue) it is worth reading. Very short write up about the 
timid and mild mannered execution specialist from Malden, MA who was one of the first Americans
(first of ANY nationality?) to do on site scientific testing on the inner surfaces of so called "homicidal
gas chambers" in Poland and elsewhere in Europe.  Auschwitz, in Poland, where it was reported that 
4 million people were killed.  Oops, that was until 1990 when the non-revisionists revised that number
which they publically declared to be closer to 1.1 million. (However when they removed the old, in-
accurate plaque and replaced it with a new one with the more factual number that allegedly died there,
they rounded up, for whatever reason, from 1.1 million to 1.5 million.)   What Mr. Leuchter found 
was absolutely astonishing (to everyone except the revisionists): there was never any Zyklon B used
in the "gas chambers" there! As a matter of FACT, there never WERE any gas chambers at Auschwitz!!!  Or any other work/transit camps in Europe.
WOW.  All I can say is WOW!!!  You mean to tell me, that what I have been taught my entire fucking life, that "6 million Jews" dies in the holocaust™ is untrue?  Huh?  
What is even more astonishing is that in Germany, as well as thirteen other European countries, it is ILLEGAL to even question the official holocaust™ story!!!  (yes you read that correctly)  A person
can go to the slammer if he or she openly declares the official story to be faulty. Craziness.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Holocaust™ "Facts"

This is a copy & paste of a simple comment on the YouTube video " 1/3 of the Holocaust™ " 

   Nuremberg: Kangaroo Court and Victors Show Trial -- Since ancient times,     the Jews play the victim card with claims of being Holocausted. 1906 NY Times  reports Six Million Jews facing a systematic and murderous extermination in RUSSIA! 1919 A Coming Holocaust Of Six Million Jews In Romania, Poland And Ukraine. After the First World War! 1921 New York Times reports Six Million Jews are going to die in Russia AGAIN IN RUSSIA! 1936 New York Times refers to a Holocaust of Jews years before WWII. 

Remember, the point of that post was to illustrate very briefly a few of the times the Jewish people have claimed that '6 Million' of their kin folk were going to be annihilated, or if you will, holocausted. Thank God for the interwebz, because we now have access to facsimile's of the actual newspaper, magazine, and book excerpts with the '6 million' claim, PRE - WWII!!! This is beyond disturbing. At first I didn't know what to make of it. How in the heck could Jewish sources state that there were going to be 6 million deaths, death in a great holocaust? I mean seriously, was this just a lucky guess? A stab in the dark? I am pretty pissed off. I feel like I've been lied to for so many years. I was taught being brought up that the evil Germans killed 6 million helpless, innocent Jews in the holocaust™ of WWII. With the advent of mod- ern science, that doesn't seem to be the case. There are just way too many discrepancies & fabrications in all of these stories. I don't WANT to believe something to the contrary of the traditional holocaust™ story, but what is one supposed to do? What do you do when you are presented evidence that is so incredibly glaring presented by sane, rational, educated, normal people. These folks aren't neo-Nazis. They aren't pushing for a new Fourth Reich, a return of national socialist policies. Most of them don't even hate Jews in the slightest. Scientific evidence is scientific evidence. A spade is a spade. If a reliable ground penetrating radar device, functioning correctly, does NOT show that the ground underneath it has been dug up, as in a giant pit excavated for the burial of tens to hundreds of thousands of bodies, then why the hell is that? Why doesn't that machine show that the ground was dug up, as the traditional holocaust™ supporters say it was. When a scientist takes samples from dozens & dozens of surrounding trees in the area, using the tests they have to determine the age of the trees, and the sample unanimously show that the age of the trees is much older than 1945, what am I to believe. Traditional holocaust™ believers say that "two hundred thousand bodies were buried here in a mass grave. The burial plot was 1200 ft by 1200 ft, and 26 feet deep. Then one month later the bodies were all dug up and cremated in giant fires." So people test the ground for soil disturb- ances & they find none! They even do a thorough search for human remains in the soil & they find none! They carefully calculate how many trees it would take to produce all the wood that would be necessary to cremate that many bodies (using modern knowledge of what it takes to cremate one human body times 100,000) and deter- mine that every tree in a five mile radius should have been chopped down to produce that much wood. Yet the tests show those trees standing today WERE NOT "re-planted" post 1945, when WWII ended, but are all much older than that! What am I to believe? Should I believe that there were incredibly hot blazing fires, hot enough to "cremate" 100,000 (this is a really low number I'm using, they actually claim something like 750,000 people were cremated) with no loss of trees in the area? And even inmates from the camp, when asked during the Nuremberg trials to make a sketch of the camp, made no mention of any "wood shed's" which certainly would have been necessary to house the wood, to cure it to be used for the massively hot-as-hell fires they claimed were use to cremate all those thousands of people. I could go on and on and on. Please watch "1/3 of the Holocaust" which is still up on YouTube. Peace. ♥♥♥

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Some New Stuff I Recently Got Into [read, write, talk, love]

Received the new issue of  "In Communion"  the journal of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship.

Also received the new issue the journal "Christian Apologetics" in the mail. 
Excellent journal / magazine.  Find it & read it, lest you be a chode!

Just finished reading "From the Ashes of Sobibor" by Thomas Toivi Blatt.  Supposedly a true story about a Jewish kid who escapes from Sobibor work camp in Poland, in 1943 or so.  He's on the run all over Poland dodging Nazis & Polish & Russian Partisans who are unfriendly to Jews.  Him & some other random Jews who are homeless & stateless, hide out in various barns, silos, & haystacks.  As well as forests, woods, cellars --abandon buildings--you names it he's squatted there.  Very fast paced story & book.  There is an added interview that the author conducted with one of the head guards from the camp, done in 1983.   The German military officer served 16 years in prison & was filled with regret over what allegedly went on in this & other work camps, or concentration camps as they are also called.  In some ways the author seems to relish in continually bringing up atrocities & alleged mistreatment that may or may not have gone down that way 40 years earlier.  World War II was terrible--for everyone, NOT just Jews, Gypsies, or Jehovah's Witnesses.  German & Polish civilians had a horrible time, especially towards the end of the war.  Yet it is the Jews who are usually in a position of power, with the media and various governments, so they can push the books, movies, TV shows, magazine articles, etc, about the "German Holocaust™ of European Jewry."  It's as if the Jews call the shots in the public's everyday lives!  OK OK, I'm not some Neo-Nazi or total conspiracy buff (tho I do follow many of the alternate historical theories laid out by minds more brilliant than mine) but I now know that there is WAY more to this holocaust™ story than meets the eye!  Especially after learning that in fifteen countries it is a FELONY to ask questions about 
the official holocaust™ story line!  Why in the heck does truth need to be protected by prison
time?!??!  Well, this is fodder for many many more posts.  Just read this book if you happen to
find it somewhere for free.
Published by Northwestern University Press. ♥

*Also watched "The Amityville Horror" from 1979 with Cheryl the other night.  Such a damn good movie.  But I kind of stick to what my friend Deacon Dave said recently:  he doesn't watch movies like this because he knows the evil one is all too real.  Sometimes movies, books, music, or other art
in this vein can be a sort of "doorway" through which Satan or any of his demons can creep into one's

mind, body, or life in general.  I don't want to come off as some sort of 'holier-than-thou' Bible thumping, closed minded, scaredy cat, but maybe Deacon Dave's message is worth paying attention
to?  Lord knows I've done things MY way for a long long time.  And look where it's gotten me! ♥
-----> [Edit 1/28/2013]  Strange to re-read a simple post like this, where I mention watching a DVD
  with Cheryl, me now ex-girlfriend.  I've been missing her for the past several months, and we have
  been talking, emailing, and texting each other.  She says she would like to try to be friends first,
  to maybe start over that way & then see where that leads.  Then maybe we can get back together,
  she stated.  However, she has turned me down, all fifteen times that I've asked her out over the past
  three months.  She even sent me an email telling me the CORRECT way to ask a woman out, and
  told me, "feel free to use this advice on me or any other woman!"  So I asked her out the way she
  suggested was proper, and she IGNORED my request!  LOL, then I reminded her that I had asked
  her out, and she claims to have FORGOTTEN that I did so!  LOL, I've never been fed such a line 
  of utter bullshit, lies, and disrespect in my entire life!  I was slack-jawed as I read her email explain-
  ing this to me!  Seriously, I've been rejected & ignored before, but I think this one takes the cake!
  LOL!!!  Obviously she thinks I'm retarded & has absolutely ZERO respect for me!  So, I am now
  following the advice of my spiritual advisers & supportive people in my life: I just CANNOT even
  be friends with her at this point in time.  I'm not supposed to have ANY contact with her whatsoever.  She is toxic for me, and I DO NOT deserve this kind of bullshit or pain or lack of respect.  It's hard for me to do, because I thought I still loved her.  Turns out that I wasn't really in love with her, rather I was afraid of being alone!!!  I am worth much, much more than anything she can provide for me.  So I've had to move on, and perhaps at a later time we can be friends.  But at this point, anyone around me who treats me the way she has been treating me is NOT my friend.  Yes, 
I'm sad.  Not too sad, now that I see things in a different light, but a bit heartbroken.  Oh well, it will
pass, it always does.  Besides, she's not a millionaire, nor a beauty queen, (her words not mine) and
I'm quite confident that I can do much, much better. ♥

Checked out from the public library yesterday: "The Lost Sutras of Jesus: Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom of the Xian Monks" by Riegert & Moore.
"Lectio Divina" by M. Basil Pennington.  He wrote "The Monks of Mount Athos" which is a great book.  We'll see how this one turns out to be.
"The Eastern Catholic Churches: And Introduction to Their Worship & Spirituality" by Joan L. Roccasalvo.
"The Jesus Sutras" by Martin Palmer.  Good stuff.

Also wanted to mention some other books I'm currently reading very slowly, and probably won't finish for another year (as is my m.o. I read maybe two dozen books at once...little by little.)
"Gates to Buddhist Practice" by Chagdud Tulku.
"The Wisdom of the Desert Fathers & Mothers" by Wilson - Hartgrove.
"Praying the Word: An Introduction to Lectio Divina" by Enzo Bianchi.
The winter 2010 - 2011 issue of "The Journal of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives."
"A Tree in a Forest: A Collection of Ajahn Chah's Similies" edited by Dhamma Garden.