
Showing posts with label holohoax. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holohoax. Show all posts

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Excellent Page On The Holocaust™ & The Bucket Of Lies Surrounding It

Holocaust Revisionist Truths (link)

Here is an excellent page on the website about the Holocaust™ lies.
I dislike Nazi's, neo-nazi's, fascism, Hitler, etc.  But most of that crap is in the past.
Zionism & Zionazism is a modern day threat to humanity's freedom & peace.
There has been a HUGE propaganda campaign to indoctrinate the public with the
ridiculous idea & thesis that 6 million Jews were killed by Hitler and his henchman. 
This is, for the most part, bullshit. I used to be one of the sheeple that believed the traditional
Holocaust™ story.  I was brought up believing that.  Over the past twenty years I have, little
by little, uncovered the truth about this alleged European Holocaust™ of Jews.
Six million Jews were NOT killed by Hitler.
There were NO "homicidal gas chambers" in Auschwitz nor anywhere else in Poland, 
Germany, or anywhere else in Europe.  That is a fable based on irrational mass hysteria.
Nazis used small gas chambers to fumigate clothing & bedding.  They never killed a single
Jew nor anyone else with Zyklon B (cyanide).  Myths, fables, and outright lies.
Modern technology has proven this false.  However, Jewish Zionist's, being as crafty as they
are, have made any questioning of the traditional Holocaust™ story completely illegal.  A felony
resulting in severe prison sentences.  WTF?!?  Why?  Why threaten a person with incarceration
if your story is so true?  Truth does not fear inquiry!  Amen.
Institute for Historical Review, The Barnes Review, Ernst Zundel, David Irving, Germar
Rudolf.  Brave souls and brave organizations & publications daring to tell the truth.
Please watch all of the available videos, read the plethora of information available. Decide for
yourself.  Do not be bullied by Jewish Zionist terrorist thugs!!!  And remember, always use love. ♥

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Hilarious New Spielberg Holocaust Hoax Parody!!! Worthwhile Link to a Cool Video--

Let me make my usual disclaimer for all the naive, small minded people out there: I hate racists. I strongly dislike Nazi's & National Socialist politics. Are there REALLY any Nazi's today? Not really. There is no country on the planet with a sizable National Socialist political party. Nazi is an abbreviation for the political party that once ran Germany. Therefore there are no real Nazi's around today. There are people who pretend to be Nazi's. I strongly dislike them, as I said. I am no huge fan of the Jews, as many people know. So what though. That doesn't make me a bad person at all. Many people, some even my friends (gasp!) are anti-Christian!!! Or anti-Catholic!!! Or anti-gay. That doesn't make them bad people. While I am not gay, I am a Catholic Christian! Actually, there are many people who flat out HATE Catholicism, even hating Catholic people. So what. That doesn't make that person racist. Being racist makes someone have racist tendencies. I hate racists. I also hate Zionist's, which are racists. Zionism = Nazism. I believe in Jewish holocaust™ revisionism, the same way I believe in revisionism of ANY topic. I love alien / extra terrestrial revisionism! Where at one time we thought we were perhaps the only living intelligent life in the universe, we now know that to be FALSE, due to revisionism. Just look at the messages encoded in many of the latest & greatest crop circles in England. Answers to the questions and information the world sent out on a deep space satellite & the radio signals the world sent towards the center of the Milky Way!!! That's an entirely separate issue, however.

>>>Check out this video, with an open-mind, and most importantly, QUESTION REALITY!
Question EVERYTHING! Use your brain. Investigate, don't believe the MSM (mainstream media!)
>>> UPDATE! 5/27/13------> This video is two hours long. The link is still alive & active, I just checked. Going thru some old posts on here, so that I can erase the redundant ones, or the ones that I no longer feel the same way about (yes, I am a revisionist, after all!)
>>> Remember to always use love & respect when talking to people you disagree with.♥♥♥

Spielberg Parody Movie (link)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Holocaust™ "Facts"

This is a copy & paste of a simple comment on the YouTube video " 1/3 of the Holocaust™ " 

   Nuremberg: Kangaroo Court and Victors Show Trial -- Since ancient times,     the Jews play the victim card with claims of being Holocausted. 1906 NY Times  reports Six Million Jews facing a systematic and murderous extermination in RUSSIA! 1919 A Coming Holocaust Of Six Million Jews In Romania, Poland And Ukraine. After the First World War! 1921 New York Times reports Six Million Jews are going to die in Russia AGAIN IN RUSSIA! 1936 New York Times refers to a Holocaust of Jews years before WWII. 

Remember, the point of that post was to illustrate very briefly a few of the times the Jewish people have claimed that '6 Million' of their kin folk were going to be annihilated, or if you will, holocausted. Thank God for the interwebz, because we now have access to facsimile's of the actual newspaper, magazine, and book excerpts with the '6 million' claim, PRE - WWII!!! This is beyond disturbing. At first I didn't know what to make of it. How in the heck could Jewish sources state that there were going to be 6 million deaths, death in a great holocaust? I mean seriously, was this just a lucky guess? A stab in the dark? I am pretty pissed off. I feel like I've been lied to for so many years. I was taught being brought up that the evil Germans killed 6 million helpless, innocent Jews in the holocaust™ of WWII. With the advent of mod- ern science, that doesn't seem to be the case. There are just way too many discrepancies & fabrications in all of these stories. I don't WANT to believe something to the contrary of the traditional holocaust™ story, but what is one supposed to do? What do you do when you are presented evidence that is so incredibly glaring presented by sane, rational, educated, normal people. These folks aren't neo-Nazis. They aren't pushing for a new Fourth Reich, a return of national socialist policies. Most of them don't even hate Jews in the slightest. Scientific evidence is scientific evidence. A spade is a spade. If a reliable ground penetrating radar device, functioning correctly, does NOT show that the ground underneath it has been dug up, as in a giant pit excavated for the burial of tens to hundreds of thousands of bodies, then why the hell is that? Why doesn't that machine show that the ground was dug up, as the traditional holocaust™ supporters say it was. When a scientist takes samples from dozens & dozens of surrounding trees in the area, using the tests they have to determine the age of the trees, and the sample unanimously show that the age of the trees is much older than 1945, what am I to believe. Traditional holocaust™ believers say that "two hundred thousand bodies were buried here in a mass grave. The burial plot was 1200 ft by 1200 ft, and 26 feet deep. Then one month later the bodies were all dug up and cremated in giant fires." So people test the ground for soil disturb- ances & they find none! They even do a thorough search for human remains in the soil & they find none! They carefully calculate how many trees it would take to produce all the wood that would be necessary to cremate that many bodies (using modern knowledge of what it takes to cremate one human body times 100,000) and deter- mine that every tree in a five mile radius should have been chopped down to produce that much wood. Yet the tests show those trees standing today WERE NOT "re-planted" post 1945, when WWII ended, but are all much older than that! What am I to believe? Should I believe that there were incredibly hot blazing fires, hot enough to "cremate" 100,000 (this is a really low number I'm using, they actually claim something like 750,000 people were cremated) with no loss of trees in the area? And even inmates from the camp, when asked during the Nuremberg trials to make a sketch of the camp, made no mention of any "wood shed's" which certainly would have been necessary to house the wood, to cure it to be used for the massively hot-as-hell fires they claimed were use to cremate all those thousands of people. I could go on and on and on. Please watch "1/3 of the Holocaust" which is still up on YouTube. Peace. ♥♥♥