Beautiful & amazing! I truly, truly want to live in a monastery like this. I think it's been my dream for years now. And meditating on my life over the past seven years, I am convinced that God has been priming me for this kind of life (though I could always be wrong!) My interest in books, music, philosophy, women (and lack of them!), etc. Too many things are pointing to the monastic life. Of course I may simply be thinking out loud right now. But in all earnestness, this kind of life looks appealing and amazing to me. The simple idea of giving up everything to live a life of solitude for the Lord, all feels so natural to me. My personal daily written journal has much more on this topic. I am not comfortable yet revealing too much here on the interwebz.
Please watch this video if you have 45 minutes to spare from your hectic all-important life.
Eastern Orthodox Christian monastery. Meditation time, solitude & prayers. I love this kind of stuff. One day I just may take monastic vows. I've been celibate for basically three years now, live simply & modestly, eat very little, & I don't own expensive, flashy things....Unless books, magazines, and fanzines count as "flashy!"
I try to love. I try not to belittle and hurt people. Do I fall short? Yes, of course, everyday, every minute, all the time. I'm a puny human. But I'm also a child of God. I have a purpose, a reason, and a RIGHT to be here. I try to thank God everyday for giving me life. I try my hardest not to kill myself with alcohol & tobacco. I try. All I can do is try. m//r ♥
Enjoy this fantastic little documentary showing us what life is like in a men's Catholic
monastery! I love this video and was super happy to find it on YouTube.