
Showing posts with label monasticism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monasticism. Show all posts

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Mount Athos Documentary--

This is a smaller production documentary than the CBS "60 Minutes" one done several years back.  Of course CBS has more money at their disposal.  In many ways this documentary is mysterious and beautiful!  I have been fascinated with Mount Athos, Greece for ten years now, ever since I read Basil Pennington's, "The Monks of Mount Athos" book.  Since then I've read a dozen books on the Holy Mountain and watched countless videos as well.  Check this out, stay calm, and pray, "Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner." Amen.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

"Pride versus Humility... A CRITICAL TEST FOR THE SEEKER OF GOD"

Pride is a prison; it can creep into a man's heart and imprison the man from even a shadow of humility. Pride makes decisions based upon wants and desires of our human nature. It does not take into account the righteousness or the spiritual worth of the decision or choice but rather the earthly gain. It does not consider the ill effects of the desire upon those it will entail. There are many questions that can readily determine pridefulness.

Does your desire for accomplishment and reputation exceed your love of God? Does your apology for a wrong not readily occur because you need to stop and evaluate how it will affect others perception of you? Does the need to repay a slight enter into your consciousness more than the need to forgive? Does your heeding gossip overcome your respect of another and you favor its bearer by listening? Have you considered the gossip may be a falsehood especially with a non-witnessed act? Do actions such as these make you peaceful and prayerful or discontent and anxious?

While pride puffs up a man, humility lowers him. Lowly humility is the foundation for all other virtues to nurture and grow in strength. Humility is the graciousness of the soul of man. Humility is not an expression, an outer appearance, tone of voice, or captured into words. Humility does not come programmed into man but rather it is cultivated with each control of will, each immoral inclination defeated, and each bodily desire contained. As each ungodly act is diminished, humility begins to take a stronghold within man. Man finds that he is being raised up closer in his relationship to God. A clear sign of this is the true happiness man begins to feel dwell within him. The bearing of humiliation becomes not an impossibility but action towards achievement of it.

Many of those who battled pride in the Holy Bible often succumbed to its consequences. Those who chose the virtue of humility were often honored because of it. Pride expelled angels from Heaven, confused the language of those whom considered themselves mighty, raised a man sold as a slave, drowned a pharaoh in the Red Sea, and a man who needed another to speak for him became a leader.
  1. Pride expelled angels from Heaven and humility entreated the Son of God to come down from Heaven to become a servant of man on earth. It has often been written that before man's creation within God's fathomless eternity, there were angels. God made the angels, heavenly spirits, somewhat similar to the soul of the man he would create. Lucifer was one such angel, who was not satisfied to be a heavenly spirit of God and desired to be as great as the Lord Himself. His pride having overtaken him, Lucifer refused to worship and serve the Lord our God. Archangel Michael, the defender of our Lord led the battle which drove Satan (Lucifer) from Heaven to eternal punishment. Those angels who accompanied Lucifer in the battle he waged against our Lord became commonly known as "devils". Pride is a powerful sin, one in which even the heavenly angels are plagued with and can fall from grace if allowed to overcome them.
    "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.'" (Isaiah 14:12-14).

    The Lord Jesus Christ chose to come down from Heaven to become man. He was born of humble surroundings to a humble virgin of a humble family. The Lord Jesus Christ humbly came to serve, to preach, to teach, to heal, and to save the lost. He endured ridicule, accusations of blasphemy, nails driven through his wrists and feet, and shamefulness as outer clothing was publicly taken from His Holy Body. The Lord Jesus Christ's closest male companions all, but one ran away rather than defend His Righteousness. This humble man would rise on the third day as an untouchable being. The Lord Jesus Christ's Holy Ascension would complete the union of God and man.
    "Jesus said to her, 'Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father, but go to My brethren and say to them, I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.''" (John 20:17).
  2. Pride confused the mighty builders of the Tower of Babel and humility scattered peoples with different languages so they would learn to seek God. After the Great Flood, the whole earth was of one race and one language. They desired to make THEMSELVES one great city with one great tower whose top would reach the heavens. They rationalized that with these accomplishments they would "make a name for THEMSELVES". They had forgotten the name of the Lord their God who had saved only their lineage in the Great Flood.

    Without warning, one solitary shared language changed into multiple incoherent languages. The mightiness of the people was quenched with the inability to communicate and coordinate tasks. The Tower of Babel's top was never raised.
    "So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city and the tower" (Genesis 11:8).
  3. Pride in the disguise of jealousy sold Joseph and humility gained Joseph control of all Egypt's vast resources. Jacob plainly let it be known that Joseph was his favorite son. It became the root of jealousy among his other eleven brothers and they planned to kill him. One man's poor judgment should not be allowed to grow and cultivate within others. The prideful nature of the brothers, rather than humility, took a stronghold among them and they plotted to be rid of him.

    Rather than kill Joseph, the brothers decided upon selling him for twenty pieces of silver to merchants whom would take Joseph to Egypt. Joseph remained humble in Potiphar's house, in jail, and with Pharaoh. He gave God the homage for all his dreams which came to fruition. Only Pharaoh on the throne of Egypt was above Joseph as ruler of Egypt. Even at that, Joseph had the signet ring of Pharaoh carrying his seal in which Joseph was trusted to sign for the king and to seal for the king. Humility made a hurtful, painful family ill deed into a prosperous one. Joseph would later feed his family during famine with the same humility that he rose to power on. Not only would the humbleness of Joseph feed his family, he would provide them with fertile lands in Goshen. Joseph's humbleness not only found favor with Pharaoh but with Jacob his father.
    "Moreover, I have given to you one portion above your brothers; I am giving you Shechem, which I took from the hand of the Amorites with my sword and bow" (Genesis 48:22).
  4. Pride drowned Pharaoh and humility lifted up the hand of Moses. As Moses led out of Egypt, the six hundred thousand Israelites descended from the seventy who came there with Jacob. Pharaoh and his men realized they would have to perform the tasks of the servants who no longer served them. Desiring to serve no man nor themselves, Pharaoh and his great army with chariots and horsemen went after the Israelites with feverous intent. Moses believed God would help the Israelites all the while knowing without God they had no hopes to fight and win. 

    Moses prayed for God's help. Moses was instructed by God to stretch his staff over the Red Sea. A strong wind burned through the night and the next morning the wind had divided the waters of the turbulent sea. The Israelites walked to the other side of the sea on a dry path. Then the Egyptians, close behind, attempted to follow the dry path of the Israelites. Moses lifted his hand again as directed by the Lord His God and the waters came rushing upon them, not one single Egyptian, horse, or chariot survived. Death served those whom had need of a servant to serve him. Pride drowned a ruler and a mercenary army with the raising of a humble man's arm.
    "So the Lord saved Israel that day from the hands of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore" (Exodus 14:30).
  5. Pride transformed Nebuchadnezzar into a wild beast and humility turned a brave widow into a defender of the faith. Nebuchadnezzar sought to demolish all the gods of his lands. He sought to destroy all the people's sacred places so that the all would be forced to worship him only. Nebuchadnezzar proclaimed his divinity boastfully with the titles of "the great king" and "lord of all the earth". He sent out his generals and armies to enforce religious restraint to all but him. In the end it was not Nebuchadnezzar but Judith's hand which was decisive in Whom should be worshipped.

    Judith fasted, prayed, and wore sackcloth and ashes because the Jews had placed all faith in walls and armies against the decree rather than trust in God. As a pious widow strong in faith with no previous training in either warfare or battle strategy she took the head of an Assyrian general and directed all praise to God. Judith, with trust in the help of God, defended a city without an army, military training,, or her own sword.
    "Then she approached the bedpost, near the head of Holofernes. She took out his sword which hung there. She then came closer to the bed, and taking hold of the hair of his head, she said,'O Lord God of Israel, at this moment strengthen me.' Then she struck his neck twice with all her might and cut off his head" (Judith 13 6-8; Orthodox Study Bible).
Many of the desert fathers sought to explain and continually maintain humility due to its essentiality as the cornerstone of all other virtues. Humility is a virtue that must be consciously and unrecognizably acquired rather than taking a few small steps to receive.

Shenouda El-Suriany (Late Bishop Youanis) wrote: "If pride is considered the worst vice, the mother which begets, surrounds, and strengthens many serious sins, then without a doubt humility is the top mothering virtue, which begets virtues and saves many from sins. It is considered the basis of all virtues. Hence, he who masters humility lays a good strong foundation for the building of his spiritual life. It is described by the one of the fathers' as 'The tree of life, whoever eats from it never dies.'" 

No one is exempt from the learning process as evidenced by this monk who dedicated his life to God and denounced the worldly seeking good standing of another.
"A monk once seeking the favor of St. Timothy the hermit said, '"I find that my mind is always with God.' St. Timothy the learned hermit replied, 'Better still is to see you below all creation, as there is no fall from humility.'"
Life's stories and lessons teach us to honor and seek humility. Just as Archangel Michael, Joseph, Moses, and Judith discovered God was with them when they sought Him first and pride last. 

The wise Joshua Ben Sirach said, "Because gold is tested in fire and acceptable men in the furnace of abasement" (Sirach 2:5; Orthodox Study Bible).

May we all seek to achieve undisclosed humility critically testing if we are seeking the Lord whom taught "...learn from Me for I am gentle and lowly in heart..." (Matthew 11:29)

God bless you,
Bishop Youssef
Abbot, St. Mary and St. Moses Abbey

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Some More Reading Material Worth Mentioning--

This week the mailman brought me the new issue of "Sophia: Journal of the Melkite Catholic Church."  I plan on writing more about this real soon, because this issue is full of excellent articles (many of them reprinted from other more obscure & hard to find sources.)  Some great features about the work our new Pope & others in the Roman Catholic & Eastern Catholic Churches are doing to attempt to heal the schism between us & our Orthodox Christian brothers & sisters.

I also received the new issue (a double issue at that!) of "Orthodox Word" published by the St. Herman of Alaska monastery in CA., as well as two other Eastern Orthodox journals from two other monasteries here in America.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Currently Reading--

"Gnosticism: New Lights on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing"  
   --by Stephen A. Hoeller

"Papa Dimitri Gagastathis, The Man of God (1902-1975)"
   --translated by Dimitrios N. Kagaris

"The Monks of Mount Athos"
   --translated by Rosemary Edmonds

Monday, September 10, 2012

Mount Athos News Release (from 2003)

News Release by

The Holy Community of Mount Athos

The Holy Community of Mount Athos ceases this opportunity to break its silence to respond to what it seems to be a meticulously organized effort that has been launched against it in order to confuse and mislead the public on issues related to the Holy Monastery of Esfigmenou and its occupants. The Holy Community, having realized the magnitude of the negative campaign against the Holy Mountain, will try to respond and at the same time reveal the truth pertaining to the whereabouts of the Holy Monastery of Esfigmenou and its occupants.
By doing so, the truth reveals a reality contrary to the one portrayed by the individuals who occupy the Monastery of Esfigmenou. Thus, no individual is being persecuted, there is no dispute of faith, no one is being accused for failing to commemorate the name of the Ecumenical Patriarch, no individual?s dogma is under attack, no one?s religious freedom and human rights have been violated and no force has been used against any person. In addition, no one is being barred and there has been no such action as an embargo to prevent the transmission of food, medicine and any kind of medical services. The whole effort has been described as the greatest staged campaign of deceit against Mount Athos in its entire history.
The developments at the Holy Monastery of Esfigmenou are of pivotal importance not only for Mount Athos but also on a wider ecclesiastical and national level. It is considered a milestone of yet another major and historical struggle in which all of us are called to exercise great caution and sensitivity. The main points of this article focus on the following:
1. The Monastery of Esfigmenou, which has always been a historic and prominent Athonite Monastery, has nowadays come into a tragic state of disarray due to an ongoing illegal occupation. Thus, it is no longer recognized by the government and has been deprived of its ability to maintain a brotherhood and run any official business. (Based on the decision 1440/2005 of the Holy Community of Mount Athos, the Monastery of Esfigmenou has acquired a new brotherhood with new legal governing officials.)
2. The Holy Mountain has always based its existence on a very fundamental principal: all monastic communities are united not only on an ecclesiastical basis but they are also under the same governing authority. By this very unity we can all refer to our community as Holy Mountain Athos rather than a sum of monastic dwellings. The eradication of this principal of unity will constitute a direct threat against the very existence of the Holy Mountain and its over a thousand years history. In addition, such an event will have dramatic consequences on a national level:
3. For over thirty years, the individuals in the monastery are not simply opposed to the ecclesiastical rule of the Ecumenical Patriarch and the commemoration of his name, something that had already happened before in other monasteries as well. Most importantly, people inside the Monastery had ceased to communicate with any of the other monasteries and even distanced themselfs ecclesiastically and politically from the remaining monasteries of Mount Athos and all Orthodox Churches. These people currently affiliates with only one of the various self-proclaimed “True Orthodox Christians” (G. O. X.) groups and maintains exclusive communion with them. In the recent years, their efforts have mainly focused on maintaining and recognizing their status which is both illegal and unconstitutional. The unraveling situation is extremely dangerous to the Athonic establishment which coerces it to a feeble defense over its very existence.
4. At the present time, the people who occupy the monastery grounds comprise a group of individuals who the last few years have taken on characteristics which are prohibited at the Holy Mountain. This schismatic, distinct brotherhood engages in acts of propaganda and proselytism which comes into conflict with the Constitution and the Governing Status Quo (Charta) of the Holy Mountain. The only viable legal solution will be their immediate compliance and integration to the community of Mount Athos or their free departure from the Athonic peninsula. The appointed Athonic authorities found that the claims of the group were unfounded and the only action appropriate to such developments is the removal of this group from the Holy Mountain in order to preserve and secure the stability and order of the community and the continuation of the Athonic tradition.
5. It is also well known the common sentiment of having this matter resolved in a civilized and peaceful manner without the use of violence based on the hope that the individuals involved in this situation will recognize the illegitimacy of their actions. Nonetheless, the Greek and international audience has been exposed to an unprecedented propaganda that is based on lies and misleading information whose sole aim is to elicit sentiments of sympathy to their efforts. Thus, false reports are being leaked to the news of persecutions, harsh laws and decisions against the group, blockades, being under siege, armed men, etc. while at the same time this group is exhibiting behaviors and is engaging into actions that go against the Athonic ethos and moral, and the principles of this holy place.
6a. It is helpful to clarify there has not been any persecutions against the Monastery of Esfigmenou nor have its function been discontinued. The reason behind these developments has nothing to do with the refusal to commemorate the name of the Patriarch. It has also nothing to do with other “zealote” monks of the Holy Mountain or theaforementioned True Orthodox Christians (G. O. X.). The members of the group who occupy the monastery of Esfigmenou are not being persecuted due to their beliefs or the fact that they do not accept any financial assistance from the European Union. In contrast to what many believe, it is the group?s secular and anti-Athonic belief system along with the fact that this group insists on the illegal possession of the Monastery something that is extremely dangerous for the future of the Holy Mountain. The actions of this group have absolutely nothing to contribute to the steadfast struggles and battles that the Holy Mountain is committed to on matters of faith. Nonetheless, they try to portray themselves as pseudo martyrs which is unfounded since they have never been wronged or treated unjustly by anyone.
b. Although the community of Mount Athos has tried on several occasions to find a compromise and resolve the situation, the occupants of the Monastery of Esfigmenou have refused to cooperate.
c. The occupants of the Holy Monastery of Esfigmenou do not join in the efforts of the rest of the community to maintain a united front on matters that impact the Orthodox faith.
d. The Holy Mountain has always tried to fight against extremities, “zealotism” and ecumenism and has repeatedly given its decisive testimony on matters of faith, such as the one against the dialogue between Orthodox and Anti-Chalcedonies that took place in Balamand, Lebanon.
In closing, the Holy Mountain would like to make an appeal to all those who have shown interest in the recent developments and have been moved by their own religious and patriotic convictions, such as the members of the Body of the Church, the political authorities, the press, and the news media. First, we would like to advise all people to exercise caution and not allow to be misled by inaccurate and fraudulent information that?s intended to deceive and confuse the public. On the other hand, we ask each and every one to rise to the occasion and support this historical event as the Holy Mountain struggles to save the Holy Monastery of Esfigmenou, safeguard the decrees of the Orthodox faith and monasticism, and uphold the spiritual and cultural traditions of the Holy Mountain.
Signed by all present
Representatives and Proistamenoi
of the twenty Holy Monasteries of Mount Athos

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

St. Pachomius~

A worthwhile read, lifted from an Eastern Orthodox monastic blog (not sure of the blog's name or whereabouts).

The Desert Fathers: Monks and Monasteries of the Egyptian Desert

ST. PACHOMIUS  "Place" as a Factor in Salvation 

People love reading & learning about the teachings of the ancient Desert Fathers and Mothers, those holy men and women who forsook earthly life for a life of hardship and struggle so they could focus their entire beings on God and seek to become one with God.  Although many of these men and women lived in monasteries, many of them did not.  From the beginning of their spiritual struggles, they were truly alone in the world with no spiritual guides; if they were lucky, they had their Bible and perhaps a couple of writings from earlier saints.  Usually they did not have even this.

In many ways, we are like those holy men and women of the Early Church.  In today’s world, people who seek the spiritual life are often alone in their quest with no spiritual guides except books or other writings they may have been blessed to collect.  We often wonder how we can find salvation where we are.  St. Pachomius addressed this issue and assures us that, indeed, one’s “place” does not determine one’s salvation.

St. Pachomius lived from 292 to 346, but his relatively brief life had a profound impact on the development of monasticism.  Although Pachomius was a contemporary of St. Anthony the Great, the two apparently never met.  A pagan boy born in the present-day Egyptian city of Esneh, he was drafted into the army to fight in a war at the age of twenty.  In a camp for conscripts near Luxor, Pachomius was visited one night by local Christians who came to the camp to give food and water to the conscripts since life in the camps was very miserable.  After a fruitful conversation with one of the visitors, Pachomius prayed to God that He would deliver him from his plight, he would dedicate his life to serving Him.  Within a few months, the war was over and Pachomius returned to Luxor where he was baptised.  It was in this region of Upper Egypt that Pachomius was to establish the idea of cenobitic monasticism, a sort of “half way point” between living in the world and being a recluse.  Over the ensuing years, thousands of men and women would embrace the monastic life in communities scattered up and down the Nile Valley.

Let us look then at the letters of Pachomius to his disciples and ponder on his teachings of the importance of “place” in the spiritual life.

BEGIN:  Become guileless and be like the guileless sheep whose wool is sheared off without their saying a word.  Do not go from one place to another saying, “I will find God here or there.”  God has said, “I fill the earth, I fill the heavens” (Jeremiah 23:24).  And again, “If you cross over water, I am with you” (Isaiah 43:2); and again, “The waves will not swallow you up” (Isaiah 43:2).  My son, be aware that God is within you, so that you may dwell in his law and commandments.  Behold, the thief was on the cross, and he entered Paradise; but behold Judas was among the Apostles and he betrayed his Lord.  Behold, Rahab was in prostitution, and she was numbered among the saints; but behold, Eve was in Paradise, and she was deceived.  Behold, Job was on the dung heap, and he was compared with his Lord; but behold, Adam was in Paradise, and he fell away from the commandment.

Behold, the angels were in heaven, and they were hurled into the abyss; but behold Elijah and Enoch who were raised into the kingdom of heaven.  “In every place, then, seek out God; at every moment seek out his strength” (Psalms 105:4). Seek Him out like Abraham, who obeyed God, who called Him “my friend.”  Seek Him out like Joseph, who did battle against impurity, so that he was made ruler over his enemies.  Seek him out like Moses, who followed his Lord, and He made him lawgiver and let him come to know His likeness.  Daniel sought Him out, and He taught him great mysteries; He saved him from the lion’s gullet.  The three saints sought Him out, and found Him in the fiery furnace.  Job took refuge with Him and He cured him of his sores.  Susanna sought Him out, and He saved her from the hands of the wicked.  Judith sought Him out, and found Him in the tent of Holofernes.  All these sought Him out and he delivered them; and he delivered others also.  END

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spiritual Elders

 When reading the biographies and writings of certain modern day Holy Elders, one will inevitably come across various "prophecies" they made concerning end-time events. These "prophecies" have especially arisen in modern times during periods of high anxiety for Orthodox Christians - in Slavic countries with the rise of communism and in Greece especially since the 1970's and on as we neared the beginning of the second millenium. Much of the latter stems from the rise of eschatological propaganda infiltrating Greece from the West in translation (in 1970 Hal Lindsey's The Late, Great Planet Earth was published following the Six-Day War in the Middle East that sparked a plethora of eschatological writings in the West), and the translation into Greek of the antisemitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion by a Greek politician in the 1980's. Fascinated by these writings, Orthodox Christian thinkers began to look into their own tradition to apply these seemingly convincing portrayals of the soon-to-be second coming of Christ to make them their own. Unfortunately many of our beloved Holy Elders and modern day Saints were influenced by these writings and traditions, to the confusion of many. I personally believe this was mainly due to the simplicity of their hearts, since these neoeschatological and conspiratorial writings do seem to conform to aspects of Orthodox eschatology if one is pushed to reconcile them. This should by no means determine the authenticity or sanctity of a Holy Elder, since no one is infallible and God may have His reasons for allowing such things.

But not all of our Holy Elders were of a similar mind on these eschatological issues. In fact, when these Holy Elders were asked about these issues, they flatly disagreed with what other Holy Elders were saying about these things. In doing so, they would never try to discredit the Holy Elder they disagreed with, but still considered them men of God with special gifts of the Holy Spirit. They recognized that these things were spoken not by revelation, but through their own opinion or because it was a tradition that they were convinced of by their own logic. Unfortunately most people cannot tell the difference between a real prophecy and an opinion, and this has caused much confusion among impressionable contemporary Orthodox.

One of the most popular and beloved Holy Elders today is Elder Paisios the Athonite (+ 1993). He is one most especially known for his end-time prophecies circulating throughout the Orthodox world. Elder Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia (+ 1991) was another Holy Elder of our times very much beloved by Orthodox Christians. These two Holy Elders are considered the two strongest pillars of sanctity in 20th century Greek Orthodoxy. But on the critical issue of eschatology they strongly disagreed, much like the Apostles Peter and Paul disagreed in the Acts of the Apostles on the issue of Jews and Gentiles in early Christianity. In fact, Elder Porphyrios censured Elder Paisios for circulating his eschatological material. From this incident, many important lessons can be learned by contemporary Orthodox Christians. For this reason the details of this incident are written below.

The Epistle of Elder Porphyrios to Elder Paisios

In an interview for Cypriot television, Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou spoke of his personal relationship with Elders Porphyrios, Iakovos, Evmenios and Paisios. He says in the interview that he was instructed by Elder Porphyrios to have Elder Iakovos of Evia as his spiritual father. The Metropolitan was in law school at the time, before he entered ecclesiastical life. His impression of Elder Porphyrios was that he was able to be attuned to another persons soul in a more intimate way, like an x-ray machine, than the other Elder's he met, such as Elders Iakovos, Evmenios and Paisios. This is because each Holy Elder has a particular gift manifested in a more powerful way than other Holy Elders.

The special gift of Elder Porphyrios above all the other Greek Elders, according to Metropolitan Neophytos, was that of clairvoyance and the foreseeing of the future. He had the unique gift of being able to see not only future events, but those of the past as well. He could tell you about the various mineral deposits below the earth better than any geologist, he could determine the accurate movements of the stars better than astronomers, and if there was anything below the sea or in your home you needed to know about, he would reveal to you that as well. The charisma he had was very rare which few in the history of the Church ever possessed. What is striking however is that despite his clear visions of things in the past, present and future, he never spoke about the signs of the end-times.

This, said the Metropolitan, is a very strong message for the people of our day who are inundated with many supposed prophecies and predictions concerning the end of the world, the reign of Antichrist and the second coming of Christ. These in fact are mere speculations and baseless interpretations of the writings from people of the past that have been imposed upon our time to deal with the various changes our world has gone through over the past few hundred years and especially now that we have entered the second millennium after the birth of Christ. The Church works synodically; it is a synaxis. Since a synod of the Church has not expressed itself on these matters, then no individual can interpret them any way they please. For these reasons, understanding the times we live in, Elder Porphyrios did not reveal anything about end-time events that was revealed to him, according to God's will. Thus, while richly endowed with gifts of clairvoyance and prophecy, Elder Porphyrios systematically avoided speaking about apocalyptic events.

When Metropolitan Neophytos was a deacon in Cyprus he went to visit his elder Iakovos in Evia. At the time the people were in a fever about end-time events, the meaning of 666, the identity of the Antichrist, etc. Also, an Archimandrite had published a best-selling book about apocalyptic events. He went to Elder Iakovos and asked him his opinion on all these matters. Elder Iakovos then spoke in a very authoritative tone, which was something very rare for him to do, since he spoke much more humbly than all the other Greek Elders he had met. He said: "Listen to me, my Neophyte. Elder Porphyrios and dumb Iakovos do not speak about anything. Not the things of the present, nor of the things to come, unless the Holy Spirit expressly reveals to them. And up to this point the Holy Spirit has not revealed any such thing to me, not about the Antichrist, nor about wars to come, nor about the future." These are the exact words of Elder Iakovos and the Metropolitan says that he neither added nor subtracted from his words.

I will now translate the words of Metropolitan Neophytos:

"I must mention that there is an epistle held by a monastery on the Holy Mountain, and it would be good for the keepers of this epistle to publish it at some point. This happens to be an epistle by Elder Porphyrios addressed to Elder Paisios. Now I understand that the content of this epistle might challenge some of our spiritual brothers, but it is good to be challenged this way. It is better to be challenged than to fall into exaggerations. This epistle was from a man who honored and revered Elder Paisios very much. Fr. Porphyrios told me that Fr. Paisios is a man of God. And he wrote to him:

My beloved Father Paisios, what happened to you? If Constantinople will be freed or not, this is the concern of the politicians and of the military rulers, and not of the monks nor even the archpriests. If the Antichrist will come, this must be the concern of the archpriests and it is their duty to inform the people. And when that time comes, God will provide us with illumined archpriests who will in turn illumine the people. We the monks, if we are members of the priesthood, we need to liturgize for the salvation of the entire universe. And if we happen to be simple monks, we need to weep over our sins. Now because of my love for you, and knowing how much you love Christ, I am giving you a rule not to talk about these things again out of your great love for Asia Minor and Hellenism.

And Fr. Paisios, this great man of God, did obedience to this great Elder of Elders, Fr. Porphyrios. And since then he kept silent about these matters, because he realized that the smallest comment he would make would often be exaggerated by his highly impressionable visitors. Not to mention, some of these prophetic sayings were not his, but he was quoted by different people, or misquoted, and with other things he was often quoting from a notebook of his spiritual father, St. Arsenios of Cappadocia, who happened to be his godfather. St. Arsenios had received the gift of prophecy [or had heard things from others] and recorded a number of things. Elder Paisios would make some comments based on this notebook he had in his possession.

Now what can we say about all this, but to marvel at the great spirit of discretion of Elder Porphyrios. A spirit of watchfulness, vigilance and patient endurance. But in order to have this patient endurance regarding end-time events, whether social or political or personal, the exercise of patience is extremely necessary....

The work of the Church is to liberate people, to redeem people. When people lean towards interpreting the signs of the times and the future, this mania about the things to come is often alienating people from the essence of spirituality - from their personal struggle, the purification of the heart, our personal trauma, and our need to become well, to cure our passions. This is the heart of the problem.

One time I asked Elder Evmenios about these things, and he responded very simply. He was the most simple of all the Elders, a man of very few words who did not like endless spiritual talk. He needed to be inspired by someone or by something in order to speak. And when I asked him about all the prophetic talks circulating, he said: 'You know, I personally don't believe that Christ would only give 2000 years of grace to the world. It just doesn't seem very long to me.'"

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Wisdom From the Optina Fathers

Pearls of Wisdom From the Optina Fathers

If someone takes part in idle talking, he cannot live attentively; but is continually dissipated. From not talking, silence is born; from silence, prayer — for how can one who is fragmented pray? Be attentive to yourself; the attentive life is the goal....
St. Barsanuphius
When you notice the faults of others and have proud thoughts when in their presence, you must answer these demonic thoughts [with words like]: I am worse than everyone; and even if it is [said] without feeling, you should say it nevertheless.
St. Barsanuphius
A dissipated (carnal, fragmented) life is a great spiritual tragedy. It produces an especially horrible effect on those who allow themselves this dissipation, having begun with an attentive life. A pious Christian must conduct his life with great attention to himself and watchfulness. “Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation (Mark 14:38),” said the Lord.
St. Nikon
For one who is proud, asking forgiveness is very difficult. Satan is also not capable of this, and hates to ask forgiveness.
St. Anatoly
Against impure thoughts, use the spiritual sword: the name of Jesus. You must offer repentance to the Lord, and you must not hide anything from your spiritual father. Wounds that are exposed heal quickly.
St. Joseph
From now on, let us strive firmly not to divide the path of Christ into various branches; but to combine them into one main branch: to love the Lord with our whole soul and to maintain peace and holiness with everyone — not thinking foolishly or suspiciously about anyone.
St. Ambrose
If you show mercy in some way to someone, for this you will obtain mercy. If you suffer along with those that suffer, which does not seem to be a great thing, you will be numbered among the martyrs. If you forgive someone who offends you, ... not only will all your sins be forgiven, but you will become a [child] of the Heavenly Father. If you pray from your heart - even a little bit - for your salvation, you will be saved. If you do not condemn a sinner, for this you will receive salvation. If you reproach yourself before God for the sins felt by your conscience, for this you will be justified. If you confess your sins before God, for this there is forgiveness and reward. If you sorrow for your sins, or feel compunction, or weep, or sigh, then you sighs are not hidden from Him; for St. Symeon [the New Theologian] says that not even a tear drop - nor a part of that drop - are hidden from Him.
St. Moses
The Lord cares for the Salvation of your soul more than you think. He will save you if you just turn to Him with humility and hope, and do even what seems to be a little. The Lord God greatly values even the little, if it is done for His sake.
St. Moses
Goodness is not confirmed without trial. Every Christian is tested by something: one by poverty, another by illness, a third by various thoughts, a forth by some calamity or humiliation, while another by various doubts. And, through this, firmness of faith, hope and love of God are tested.
St. Ambrose
Do not despair when you experience severe trials: these are necessary for the instructions in the spiritual life. Strive to find blame in yourself, but do not blame any of your neighbors.
St. Macarius
Wherever there is obedience, humility, and struggling, the demons can never take a person captive. If you would be simple hearted like the Apostles, would not conceal your human shortcomings, would not pretend to be especially pious, if you would walk free from hypocrisy, then this is the path. While it is easy, not everyone can find it or understand it. This path is the shortest way to salvation and attracts the grace of God. Unpretentiousness, guilelessness, frankness of soul - this is what is pleasing to the Lord, who is lowly of heart. “Except ye become children, ye shall never enter the Kingdom of God” (Mt. 18:13).
St. Leonid of Optina
As soon as you condemn someone, say to yourself, “Thou hypocrite, first remove the beam out of thine own eye (Matt. 7:5).” The beam in the eye is pride. The Pharisee has all the virtues, but he was proud; but the Publican, however, had humility, and was better
St. Ambrose