
Saturday, June 01, 2013

" Journey Through the Universe at the Speed of Light " Awesome HD Video Exploring Our Universe!--

This is amazing to watch on full screen in 1080p! I'm pretty sure it's Alec Baldwin narrating this video. He has narrated at least one other video of this type, so it's a good guess he did this one. I think this might be from Discovery Channel but there are no breaks in it or annoying logos. It takes you on a guided tour all over our solar system & beyond, stopping off at various planets & moons to investigate! Pretty cool if you ask me! Get in to it! It really makes you realize how small and inconsequential & insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things. ♥ m//r

" The Lost Gospels " An Excellent Documentary From BBC 4

This is by far one of the best mainstream documentaries on the Nag Hammadi & other Gnostic books that I have yet to come across. The host is an Anglican priest, but he is far from a closed minded Christian, unlike many other's in high-church Christology. I love reading about the different scts of early Christianity & hope to one day be able to visit the Holy Land. m//r

Friday, May 31, 2013

" Diadochos of Photiki: Philosophical Poems & Quotes " This Is Great!--

A fantastic site I found with extensive quotes & information from Holy Masters. Lots of great quotes from wise Christian hermits, Buddhist monks, and Hindu holy men. This is most certainly not dedicated to any one spiritual tradition, as it encompasses wisdom from all of the world's great traditions!  Loving it! ♥♥♥ m//r

Diadochos of Photiki: Philosophical Poems & Quotes (link)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

" Jesus In Kashmir (India) " Documentary by the Indian Government--

Here we have for your consideration, another documentary, this time produced & released by the Indian govt, about Jesus either surviving His crucifixion & travelling to India, China, Asia, etc, OR Jesus Christ going to India et al, between the ages of 12 & 30. I like this narrators voice and the background music. It's really easy to listen to. Soothing, yes....that's the word. So if you have some time, play this video in the background while you do whatever it is you have to do. Or spend some time attentively watching this documentary. But if you're anything like me you're doing five things at one time!
Ahhhh, spread some nice vibes someone you don't like, some love. We don't always like all the people we come in contact with, but we should strive to love them. ♥

Some New Books I'm Currently Reading ( May/June )

"We've Never Been Alone: A History of Extraterrestrial Intervention"

  -by Paul Von Ward

"Mind Programming: From Persuasion & Brainwashing to Self-Help & Practical Metaphysics"
  -by Eldon Taylor

"The Gnostic Mystery"
  -by Randy Davila
"Extraordinary Knowing: Science, Skepticism, & the Inexplicable Powers of the Human Mind"
  -by E.L. Mayer, Ph.D.

"A Thousand Splendid Suns"  (by the guy who wrote "The Kiterunner")
  -by Khaled Hosseini

"Gnosis of the Cosmic Christ: A Gnostic Christian Kabbalah"
  -by Tau Malachi

"Teachings of the Christian Mystics"
  edited by Andrew Harvey
"Orthodoxy & the Religion of the Future"
  -by Fr. Seraphim Rose

"Brave New World"  (a classic I am revisiting!)
  -by Aldous Huxley

"The Alien Abduction Files: The Most Startling Cases of Human-Alien Contact Ever Reported"
  -by Kathleen Marden & Denise Stoner

"Navigating the Out of Body Experience: Radical New Techniques"
  -by Graham Nicholls

"Killing Jesus: The Unknown Conspiracy Behind the World's Most Famous Execution"
  -by Stephen Mansfield

"The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil"
  -by Philip Zimbardo

"Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler"
  -by S. Dunstan & G. Williams

Sunday, May 26, 2013--

Another Sunday. Another end to another weekend. Kind of. Tomorrow is an extra weekend day! No work tomorrow since it's Memorial Day. Get paid on Tues this week instead of Fri. Fine with me.
Woke up early today, prayed & meditated, went to Holy Mass at CTK (had a guest priest from India say the Mass!) and came home to eat leftover Chinese food for lunch. Listening to the 10,000 MANIACS and contemplating a nap. Although I did sleep well last night--and even slept for nine hours--I'm still feeling like a nap is in order!!  m//r

10,000 MANIACS " Verdi Cries " Such a damn beautiful song!--

Man oh man, I freaking LOVE this song! Actually I love this ENTIRE album!!! The first time I heard it was in 1987 or '88 when I stole it from my sister. She owned the cassette version and I didn't know anything about the band, but I just wanted to take something of hers. I was a hardcore punkrock skinhead, but I instantly fell in love with this album! Ever since then I have owned it at least twice on CD & two copies of it on vinyl. I remember giving one vinyl copy to Marc McFinn, my best friend, several years ago. He loves the 10,000 MANIACS also. Who doesn't? Well, many people don't, I know that. Someone recently gave me some shit on fb when I posted a song or two. And what's up with this band re-forming several years back, with OUT Natalie Merchant?!? They even recorded an album & toured! Has anyone heard the album? I haven't, and I don't want to. The snippets of songs I HAVE heard, sucked. I'd rather remember them this way. Amen. 


Friday, May 24, 2013

JUDGE " Like You " Awesome song!

JUDGE played two reunion shows last Sat. & Sun. They played well & things sounded good. JUDGE will be playing "This Is Hardcore" fest this summer. Good for them. I'm very happy that they are playing shows again, and MAYBE writing new songs. Mike Judge alluded to that last Sat. during his show. We'll see how that pans out. Here's the song, "Like You." I love it. Guitar ballad intro, slower hardcore starts up, with Mike's rugged voice & kick-ass lyrics....YEAH BOY! Haha, enjoy the song! I'm dead dog fuckin' tired. Damn. Had to meet my boss at the corner of Jackson & Wagner in A2. That meant taking the #3 AATA bus to downtown A2, then transferring to the #9 for a ten minute ride to meet him. I jump in the truck & we hit the highway towards Ypsilanti. Turns out he had to drop off an invoice/bill to a customer. I said, "Boss! WTF?!? This is about two miles from my house, why the heck did I catch the bus all the way to the west side of A2 if you were gonna' be coming so close to Ypsi???" Boss goes, "oh. Yeah. Yeah I guess I could've." Haha, poor guy. He's a young kid, and he told me today his gf thought she might be preggers! Ah-ha! I *KNEW* he had something on his mind! I could tell! Anyhow, enough of that.....We cut, edged, & trimmed many, many properties today. Worked nine hours today. Usually Fridays will be 12+ hour days. But we got some stuff done yesterday, so we were all good today....


Something Is Missing--

Checkin' in here, for anyone who may be reading. Friends, acquantences, lovers, and liars. Things have been going swell over the past two months. I'm working a lot these days--got a very good gig doing landscaping for 'R & J Lawn & Snow' out of Ann Arbor. We work all over Washtenaw county. Mainly in west A2, Dexter, Chelsea, and Ypsilanti. Mowing, weeding, edging, mulching, fall clean-up (well, not yet of course), and all things lawn & landscaping. I've been getting sunburned & tanned, sunburned & tanned, ad infinitum. Yes, it's a little hard trying to keep up with these 20-25 yr old kids, but I'm hanging in there! Beside's the money's really, really good! I've also lost 6 pounds since I started this job! Yay for me! God is good. He really is. But there's just something lacking in my life. Perhaps it's love. Yes. Love. Love. That four letter word....

" Christianity Was In India 2000 yrs Ago " Great Theories Here--

Listen up! This is an excellent documentary proposing that Jesus Christ, Son of God, spent several years of His life in the areas of China, India, Tibet, Nepal, etc. Learning & teaching with different sages & mystics & "wise-men." There ARE many, many people who earnestly believe that Jesus did some extensive traveling between the ages of 12 & 30. I'm not saying He did or didn't go to these countries. But I do love watching these kinds of stories & reading books on this subject. I am a Catholic Christian who goes to Mass every Sunday, but I refuse to be closed-minded about other people's beliefs & views or stories such as this. Check it out for yourself & make up your own mind. Follow your heart. Always use love.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"The Most Holy Theotokos" by Archbishop Lazar Puhalo - Byzantine Seminary Press

Here's a quick link to a book I think will be interesting. I can never read or hear enough about the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, my Mother, & the Most Holy Theotokos. "Theotokos" is a Greek word that means, "bearer of God." In the Eastern Orthodox & Eastern Catholic churches, Mary is called Theotokos. I think it's a beautiful word! I will most likely order this book this week (last week of May), but I am already about sixty books in the hole. Meaning I have around sixty books on my shelves that I haven't even read yet! Yikes!!! OK everyone, remember to TRY to love on another & TRY to take care of one another. Peace.

>>The Most Holy Theotokos by Archbishop Lazar Puhalo (link to the Byzantine Seminary Press)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"The Afterlife Investigations: The Scole Experiments" Very Interesting & Awesome Documentary--

(Update -5/26/2013) Excellent story here on the impressive powers of a man named Scole. I haven't watched this movie in it's entirety, but the segments I HAVE watched, made my jaw drop & sent shivers up my spine! Yes, it's that impressive. I'm watching another documentary about Jesus Christ traveling to Asian countries to learn from the masters. So when I've written about that, I'll finish this movie.

Thursday, May 09, 2013

"STOLEN BOOKS" // Poem---------------------------

Stolen Books...the hurdles that I climbed were just hurdles in my mind.
Check out the Prince of Unity, and see what he always sees.  Check out the patterns of his'll be alright. We've known each other since we were nine or ten.
Together we killed frogs and we crossed seas.
But now the joy is gone, it's in my head where it burned strong.
See the tracers in the air & you cry 'cuz you're not there.
And what makes you free from fear, growing pains and losing hair?
It's a thousand blows that kept us here and even now when He's not near.
In my sweat is where I lose the most of me. I shake, I shit, I suck, I lose, I'm back.
I took the steps and I rode the waves. But now the waves ride me.
This is my manifest function.
Altruistic and with purpose.
Ignition of the mind.

-me 5/8/11

***Currently Listening To:
  ...and those mp3's of German marching music from WWII

***Currently Reading:
  COMETBUS fanzine

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

New Books I'm Reading for May 2013! ♥♥♥

"The Secret Message of Jesus: Uncovering the Truth that Could Change Everything"
  -by Brian D. McLaren

"I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist"
  -by Norman L. Geisler & Frank Turek

"The Power of the Parable: How Fiction by Jesus Became Fiction About Jesus"
  -by John Dominic Crossan

"Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler"
  -by Simon Dunstan & Gerrard Williams

"Pope Francis"
  -by Matthew E. Bunson

"Lemuria and Atlantis: Studying the Past to Survive the Future"
  -by Shirley Andrews

"Hitler's Charisma: Leading Millions Into the Abyss"
  -by Laurence Rees

"How Hitler Could Have Won World War II: The Fatal Errors That Led to Nazi Defeat"
  -by Bevin Alexander

Monday, April 29, 2013

Hollow Earth, Atlantis and Origin of Humans - Part One - Dawn Of The God...

I have no idea why YouTube isn't allowing me to post links showing the video on this blog. I used to be able to do it just fine. If anyone knows WHY & HOW, please email me! Yikes!!! (link)

Saturday, April 20, 2013


One of the greatest of the 'thrash revival' bands! I love 'em! Kick-ass video to boot! Get into it you slobs, crackheads, and prostitutes!

Friday, March 29, 2013

" An Excerpt From the Life of St. Job of Pochaev " Orthodox Holy Monk

Here we have a link to an interesting excerpt from the book, Saint Job of Pochaev
published by Saint John of Kronstadt Press. This link takes you to the Orthodox Christian
Information Center. I absolutely love reading about & learning about the Eastern Orthodox Christian religion!  I find it so mesmerizing & fascinating!  Who would've known all those years ago, as a small Catholic boy, that I would be this interested in theology & religion in general?!?  
The nurse at my doctor's office today told me that I should take some theology classes at the local community college, since she sees me reading different historical religious books everytime I come in there.  Not that I haven't thought of this idea before.  I just get nervous & flustered whenever I think about things having to do with school & formal education.  I mean I love learning and reading and studying, but just on MY terms at MY pace & on MY time.  Does that make sense?  I think it does.

Anyhow, check out this link by this Orthodox monk & holy man!   I hope you enjoy it! ♥♥♥

An Excerpt From the Life of St. Job of Pochaev (link)

Monday, March 04, 2013

Jewish Wealth, Power, and Influence--

THIS is taken directly from the comments section of a Jewish website.  It
is pertaining to the list published by Forbes of the 400 richest people in 
America.  The fella who wrote the article says that 150 of these folks are 
Jewish.  I, for one, find that alarming since by the Jews own admission they
comprise 1.7% of America's population.  The comment I am posting below
succinctly sums up what is wrong with this entire scenario.

In a capitalist society, Wealth = Power and Influence. 

According to this analysis, 35% of the wealthiest Americans are Jews, while Jews, according to their own estimates comprise merely 1.7% of the population.  This means that Jews are grossly over-represented in the wealthiest category by a factor of over 20 times (35 / 1.7) or 2,000%!  This combined with their over-representation in the media and academia makes a convincing argument for their elite status and helps explain their power and influence.  When this power and influence is used to advocate policies that are detrimental to the non-Jewish population, it legitimizes a focused analysis of Jewish behavior.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

I Am Currently Reading.......♥

As of March 2, 2013, this is what we've been reading here at 

"The Conspiracy Reader" 
 by-- Al Hidell & Joan D'Arc

"Edgar Cayce on Atlantis"
 by-- Edgar Evans Cayce

"The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy"
 by-- Jim Marrs

"The Templars: The Secret History Revealed"
 by-- Barbara Frale

"The Search for the Twelve Apostles" 
 by-- Steuart McBirnie

"Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews"
 by-- Alan Hart

"The Harbinger"
 by-- Johnathan Cahn

"Alien Agenda"
 by-- Jim Marrs

"The Templars"
 by-- Malcolm Barber & Keith Bate

"Communion: A True Story"
 by-- Whitley Strieber

...and about three dozen OTHER books, usually at the same time!

Perpetual Depression....

I feel like I am stuck in some kind of "depression bubble."  I don't really know how to 
adequately explain it.  A looong, drawn out, mild-ish perpetual depressed feeling.  Not 
a heavy duty, suicidal type of depression, but a persistent "state of the blues."  Frankly
I'm becoming sick & tired of it.  It also doesn't feel the same as S.A.D. --"Seasonal Affect-
ive Disorder."  I'm all too familiar with that one--it comes to me almost EVERY single 
winter.  This is more of a prolonged loneliness mixed with a long case of the blues one 
gets with opiate withdrawal, if you've ever experienced that.  I can't succinctly explain it
but I think that Wm. S Burroughs does a good job of it in his book "Junky."  And I also can't
remember off the top of my head exactly what he says, I just remember reading that book a 
few times and thinking, "this makes complete sense to me. I understand."  Yeah it sounds
odd that I can't remember what he wrote, yet I CAN remember agreeing with it!  Tho to
me that's one sign of a good writer --you don't remember what he wrote, but you DO
remember sympathizing or agreeing with it!   Back to my depression: what the heck is it
and how do I get rid of it?  I have tried every known anti-depressant under the sign and 
every combination thereof--nothing seems to work for any extended period of time.  Some
work for a few months, then the side effects inevitably force me to stop taking the meds. 
I will say that if it wasn't for my involvement in my church & the fact that I'm Catholic I
firmly believe that I would be much worse off than I am.  Also, I will say that when I have
been more involved in Alcoholics Anonymous I usually feel more pleasant & "upbeat." 
Maybe that's it, maybe that's my solution: getting back to regular AA meetings and trying
to go to mass once or twice during the week.  Yeah, I think that's worth giving a shot.  Heck,
they are both free with no strings attached.  Also, some more time set aside for serious prayer
with the Lord will do me good.  
I've tried & tried & tried. All I can do is keep trying. I miss so many friends & so many lovers. It seems like I'll never get back what I once had. 


Monday, February 18, 2013

THE REPOS!!! Demo Tape 2003!

Here we have a link to an older demo tape from the band, The REPOS! I have never heard of these guys, but this demo buuuuuurrrrrns! Seriously, this thing is a ripper! Let's heare more & find out more about these kids! Get into it! Hardcorepunk lives on! ♥♥♥

Thursday, February 14, 2013

ABSOLUTE ELSEWHERE "In Search Of The Ancient Gods" 1976

Music based on the books of Erich Von Daniken? Cool. I'll try it. And I like it.

THE ATTACK "Magic in the Air" Obscure Psychedelic Rock-n-Roll 1967--

THE ATTACK "Magic in the Air."
Obscure psychedelic rock-n-roll, 1967.
Never heard of these guys, but I love their music!

Some Hardcore Punk Show Flyers & Some Ruminations--

Old flyer from NA Detroit, MI.  NEGATIVE APPROACH were always one of my favorite bands! Not just because they are from out here in Little Detroit, but because they were so powerful, and one of the originators of the hardcore punk scene! They kind of re-formed a few years ago, playing the big Touch & Go Records anniversary show in Chicago. Apparently that went so well that they decided to play a big show here are St. Andrew's Hall. I missed that one, forgot why. Anyhow they have been playing regularly for the past couple of years now. Tours all over the United States, weekends out, various hardcore fests (including the almighty 'This Is Hardcore Fest' (TIH) in Philly last year & then again this year. Their earlier reunion shows had the original drummer along with Brannon of course & the two guys from John's other band, EASY ACTION, Harold & someone on bass. But now the original drummer from the early 80's is no longer playing with them. Oh well. I have yet to see them. I've watched a shit ton of videos of them and they are hit or miss. Brannon does NOT sing most of the lyrics. He just barks & growls. Also, I think he is scared of all the kids stage diving & piling on top of him! Haha, seriously, watch some of the videos for yourself. But I suppose being in your mid 50's, it can be intimidating to have tons of 17-30 yr olds jumping on you. It's not the same scene it was back in '82 & in some ways it's more physical & aggressive. Though we no longer have tons of spikes & metal on our clothing, nor are we clad in heavy combat boots. That's a plus for stage diving, moshing, and piling on. It is what it is. The music is good, that's what REALLY matters.
Now what I really wanna see would be a LAUGHING HYENAS reunion! THEY are my favorite band that Brannon's fronted! Sadly, Larissa Strickland passed away several years ago, down in FL. The cause of her death wasn't made public, but I'll go ahead and say I'm pretty sure it had something to do with heroin, opiate pills, or other drugs. I did hear a rumor--from a reliable source--that she died from a pill overdose. R.I.P. Larissa.  Since she is dead, a LAUGHING HYENAS reunion is highly unlikely to happen.

Great show! I was in Chicago and saw this show at the Fireside. SNAPCASE couldn't make it due to an unforeseen emergency of some type. I sat & talked with Dr. Dan from LIFETIME for a bit. My 23rd birthday was a couple days before this (Aug. 19 for anyone who wants to send me stuff!!!) and after this show my friend Marshall, whom I was staying with, & I were going out drinking. Dr. Dan (I just like saying doctor....he does have his Ph.D. after all) isn't & has never been, straightedge. Though so many people thought of LIFETIME as a straightedge band, due to their fanbase and record label (New Age Records). So I didn't feel wird talking to him about drinking. I vividly remember him telling me to, "be safe & have fun." LOL! Great advice, of course. 
I really loved & still love, LIFETIME! Such an incredible band, so much positive energy, uplifting lyrics, and really nice guys. I first met them in--I think--'92 here in Ann Arbor. They were on tour with The BOUNCING SOULS (who were OPENING for LIFETIME!!! My how things have shifted!) and had a day off. I was downtown, I think on a Sunday, and i saw a group of clean cut straightedge kids walking around with a group of ragged punk rockers & skinheads! It seemed like an awkward mix, just because that's they way things were back then. So I approached them to say hello & introduce myself.  They were all super cool & LIFETIME sold me a vinyl copy of "Background" & a cool as hell t-shirt.  BOUNCING SOULS only had a demo tape out at that time called, "What Doesn't Kill Us Makes Us Stronger", so I bought one. They gave me some stickers that I put on my coffee table at our party house. that table was covered in several layers of band stickers and it followed me from house to house for a decade or more!  Anyhow, I hadn't really heard either band before, but since they were on tour I figured I would support them by buying some merch. i remember getting home and putting "Background" on the record player---DAMN!!! I was blown away! That is when I fell in love with LIFETIME! Seems like they were the hottest hardcore band in the straightedge scene at the time!  Well, that's one of my LIFETIME stories. I have a few more that I'll write about sometime.

UP IN ARMS were awesome!  Their demo tape is a hundred times better than the CD they made!
When they played Chicago Fest in '99, EVERYONE in the room was blown away by how hard they played.  I was stunned, and it takes a lot to stun ME!!!

MAZINGA, my best friend Marc McFinn's band. Check them out, if you're a fan of MISFITS, NAKED RAYGUN, The STOOGES, MC5, old Detroit sounding rock-n-roll (and who ISN'T?)!!!  The "club" where this show took place, is an all ages, non-profit volunteer run joint. It's meant primarily for kids under 18, a place to hang out & stay sober & out of trouble. They have bands play quite often there, usually a "battle of the bands" type thingy. But every once in awhile a punk or hardcore show, with older kids, gets snuck on the calendar. interestingly a few (several?) years ago I got to see The EVENS, Ian Mackaye's newest band play there. There was a cool q & a afterwards. Fun times.

I did not go to this show.

Punk Rock // Hardcore // Indie Rock..... Show Flyers--

One of the many shows at The Lab in Ann Arbor, MI 
I think this flyer is from the show in Toledo, OH. I saw this these bands at the Trumbullplex in Detroit.

Very old show at The Graystone in Detroit.  
BWPP & NADSAT NATION at Club Heidelberg

JAKS & SCHEME show. Fun times.

Didn't go to this because it was in Chicago!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

" The Hidden History: The Khazar Empire " Converting En Masse to Judaism

Short, succinct video of a middle eastern Muslim man explaining a bit about the Khazarian people converting en masse to Judaism. It is said that 90% or more of modern Israel's population are descended from Khazarian's. They are NOT a Semitic people at all! Thus laying waste to the claim that anyone who criticizes Israel is "antisemitic." Just watch the video dummy. ♥♥♥


Friday, February 08, 2013

TEARS OF GAIA "Deforestation" (CULTURE cover song) VeganXstraightedge Hardcore

TEARS OF GAIA is a new school veganstraightedge band, probably on Catalyst Records. I'm not too familiar with them, but this is a popular CULTURE song. They do a very competent job with it, therefore I posted it up here. Check it out & check out the original! Vegan Justice!

// Melkite Greek Catholic Church // ♥♥♥

Eparchy of Newton // Melkite Catholic Church [external link]

I love the Melkite Catholics!  I have a few books about them. Very beautiful liturgy and forms
of worship.  Good, honest Eastern Catholic's with no Orthodox counterpart, unlike most other
Eastern Catholic churches.

Monday, February 04, 2013

"Roots Radicals "// "King of the Jungle"// "In The City" Tim Timebomb & Friends --

Pretty cool cover of RANCID's "Roots Radicals" done by Tim Armstrong under the moniker 'Tim Timebomb & Friends'. Is it a "cover song" if you wrote the song to begin with? TA & Friends is, of course, Tim Armstrong aka "Lint" from RANCID, TRANSPLANTS, and OPERATION IVY. This is very cool. This project he's doing has released 80 songs so far! Lots & lots of well done cover songs as well as RANCID songs and some originals. Usually acoustic guitar & piano and also some non-acoustic songs. My favorites so far are "King of the Jungle" by LAST RESORT & "In the City" by The JAM!  I edited this post & put them up after this one.  Damn, there are so many great cover (and originals!) that I could post all 80 or so up here. Just check these ones out then go to YT and listen to them all.  RANCID is playing here in Detroit in less than two weeks. I was originally supposed to go with my friend Ann--an old girlfriend--but I have a feeling that we aren't going together. And to be quite honest I can't really afford the $25+ it will cost. Nothing bad happened between her & I, and we are still friends. I'm just not feeling the whole 'go to a concert and night out on the town' thingy with her. I need to keep some distance because I truthfully have more important things going on in my life at this juncture.

May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.--
And hell, may the force be with you too.--

Watch each others backs. 
Not WASH each others backs, WATCH each others backs.-- 

Make room for the next guy.--

Give 'em enough rope.--

Hang on & never let go.--

Never let the bastards grind you down.
With love, m//r ♥

Here's their (his, really) cover of LAST RESORT's "King of the Jungle"


And here is their competent cover of "In The City" originally done by Paul Weller & The JAM!


Friday, February 01, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

♥ SWEET SMOKE ♥ "Just A Poke" Full Album--

Excellent psychedelic rock-n-roll from the late 1960's!
Full album, graphic only no video.
Get into it!
Expand your mind!
Be easy!
Always use love!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

BIG BLACK " Passing Complexion "

Here we have the audio only [no video just the album cover] to one of
my favorite BIG BLACK songs, "Passing Complexion." This is found on
their amazing "Atomizer" album that came out in the late 1980's! This
is also my favorite BB album, followed closely behind by "Songs About
Fucking." Yes, this band was great! The almighty Steve Albini! ♥♥♥

RAINDANCE " Heaven Knows No Hollow Road " Cool Video--

Currently Reading This Week--

Here are a few of the MANY books that I am simultaneously reading at this moment in time. In addition to these books, I also have several magazines & journals that I refer back to, plus about six dozen books on my immediate bookshelf. I always say, one can never read too much! 

"Alien Agenda"
 - by Jim Marrs 

"Ruled By Secrecy" 
- by Jim Marrs 

"Forbidden Science" 
 - by J. Douglas Kenyon 

"The Babylonian Codex" 
- by C.S. Graham 

 "The Monk of Mount Athos" 
 - Trans. by Rosemary Edmonds 

 "Essence of the Upanishads" 
- by Eknath Easwaran 

"Papa Dimitri Gagastathis: The Man of God" 
- Trans. by Dimitrios N. Kagaris

Edmar Castaneda Trio "Cuarto de Colores" Live in NYC

I just recently discovered this guys music! I sent a few video links to my father, since he is from Colombia and I'm sure will appreciate this kind of music! So beautiful and relaxing. I had a harpist play at my wedding for the ceremony. Probably the best part of my wedding! ♥♥♥

" Crop Circles: Hyperspace Gateways " Excellent Full Length from UFOTV

This has to be the BEST documentary on the phenomenon of crop circles that I have ever watched! Though I will say that I thoroughly enjoy almost all of the crop circle movies / documentaries I've seen! I am just fascinated by this kind of stuff in case you couldn't tell! Open your eyes, America! ♥♥♥

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Currently Reading--

"Gnosticism: New Lights on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing"  
   --by Stephen A. Hoeller

"Papa Dimitri Gagastathis, The Man of God (1902-1975)"
   --translated by Dimitrios N. Kagaris

"The Monks of Mount Athos"
   --translated by Rosemary Edmonds

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

" UFOs ET & the Cold War: Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens "

Another great video from the "UFO TV" people! They have made some really awesome productions. And they have also made some downright silly videos & documentaries. This is one of the awesome ones. Watch it and make up your own mind. Get into it! ♥

Monday, January 14, 2013

" Capitalist Conspiracy: Masters of the Universe "

Zionist and their worldwide domination. Banksters & liars. AIPAC (American Israeli Political Action Committee) Why does a foreign country have a lobbying group in the American political landscape? How strange, weird, unsettling, and WRONG. I've had enough. Watch & learn.

UFOTV: The Mysterious Stone Monuments of Markawasi Peru - Full Length Fe...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Father Frank Pavone from Priests for Life

Today was an extra special day as we had a guest priest say mass at Christ the King
church in Ann Arbor.  Father Frank Pavone was in town to address a Pro-Life / Culture
of Life conference yesterday.   He is the president of "Priests for Life" a national Pro-Life
organization.  He is an amazing man & I feel blessed being in his presence.  Awesome day!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

" Clampdown " by The CLASH! Great Fan Made Video!!! Get Into It!

Awesome homemade video for "Clampdown" by The CLASH, "The Only Band That Matters!" Joe Strummer died ten years ago, as most of you know. If you don't know then you were never a big CLASH fan. This song is from the "London Calling" album that came out in Dec. 1979, but made it onto many lists for "greatest album of the 1980's!" I would say that 'London Calling' is one of my favorite albums ever! Actually, anything The CLASH did is my favorite!

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

"Zionist Kosher Tax" & the Symbols on YOUR Food Supporting Israel --

This is disgusting. Why are we sorry Gentiles forced to pay for special food for less than 3% of the American population? Makes me angry!  How many of you out there were even aware of what this truly is?  I mean, everyone sees the little symbols on most of the pre-packaged food for sale, but most people aren't even sure of what it's there for.  Educate yourselves!  The more you learn about this evil cabal of people, the more angry you will get.

Monday, January 07, 2013

H2O - " It Was a Good Day" ICE CUBE Cover Song!

Awesome version of "It Was a Good Day" originally done by Ice Cube,
I think?!? Am I correct? I'm not too familiar with most hip-hop
or rap or whatever it's called (R&B?)
This song I do know, however. And this version kicks-ass!
I love me some H2O. I wish what's-her-name was more into hardcore
and would come to the show with me next month. :(
Well, shit in one hand and wish in the other & see which one
fills up faster, eh?!?

Father Frank Pavone To Say Mass Next Sunday @ CTK

I am excited about next weekend: Father Frank (Pavone), who runs "Priests for Life", a national Pro-Life organization, will be in town next weekend to host a seminar/workshop/conference at EMU & say mass.  This will be held in the student center on the campus of Eastern Michigan University.  I plan on attending even though finances are tight right now.  This is one of those times when I refuse to let my money-brokeness be a barrier to my spiritual formation.  Reducing abortion---eliminating it if I had the power to--is one of the most important issues in my life currently.  
Truth be told, it has been an important issue for a number of years now, but I chose to surround myself with closed-minded people who dampened my spiritual growth or were zealots for the pro-aborion movement, hiding behind an ostensible "women's health" agenda.  Never mind the FACT that half of all babies murdered worldwide are female--very young 'women' if you will--and snuffing out their lives "on demand" & "without apology" can hardly be classified as healthy for women!  As if I'm somehow opposed to free flu-shots or affordable mammograms for females.  To me, THAT'S a women's health issue.  The "War on Women" being perpetrated by the far left is disgusting, despicable, low-down, & dirty.  One would have to be blind & half retarded to ignore the plethora of data on not only the psychological & emotional turmoil inflicted on women in the form of Post Abortion Stress Disorder (PASD), but the physical harm as well.  But like I said, it's also medically harmful to the slaughtered babies.  Duh.  Treating women as political pawns and commodities to advance the radical "culture of death" is disturbing, to say the least.  Think of the "I vote with my vagina" slogans, signs, and internet memes of this last presidential election.  I'm fond of the conservative women's rebuttal to that campaign: "I vote with more than my vagina, I vote with my brain!"  How succinctly put.  And what about the majority of abortionists being male?  How about some discussion on how they are getting rich off of a painful, confusing, and depressing time for most of the women opting to pursue an abortion?  I am shocked & dismayed every time I hear someone accuse republicans of waging war on women & women's health!  Ugghhh.  I'm equally shocked at this perpetuation of the culture of death!  I'm won't even touch on China's 'one baby policy' or sex selective abortion, which is the NUMBER ONE reason for abortion, worldwide.  Nasty, nasty, nasty.
OK, I'ma step down off my soapbox now. 
Fr. Frank will be the guest priest saying mass at my church, Christ the King, next Sunday!  I'm excited to finally get to meet this dude!  Hopefully I'll be able to have him sign one of his books for me at the conference on Saturday.
Yep, I agree that being excited for a guest priest at church is something I never saw myself experiencing.  The irony...
I will make another post later about Priests for Life and what they do.
I pray my friends who read this (all seven of them) will not be too irate & we can respectfully agree to disagree.