
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mikey Is Getting Old, Old, Old. It's His Time (Cat Content)

Warning, sad content: We have an old-ass cat here who must be 16-17 years old now. I think he has arthritis & obesity. He is over 20 pounds now. His fur is matted in thick, giant clumps. He doesn't do anything but eat and sleep. My mama can't afford him anymore. She has been asking us to take him to the Humane Society of Washtenaw County for YEARS now. My brother & I finally looked into it and it's a $20 "surrender fee" to have him euthanized.  So we will have to take him there this week. It needs to be done and I feel bad, but what else can we do?  His name is "Mikey" and he was my (our) cat for many, many years. Goodbye Mikey, it was a pleasure having your company. I'll see you on the other side.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sat. June 10, 2005--

Yesterday was June 10. It would have been my 8th wedding anniversary. On that date in 2005 I married my soulmate. At least I thought she was my soulmate. We had been together for over five years then. Marriage seemed the logical next move, at least to her it did. Needless to say it didn't work out. Still, when June 10 rolls around, it's always a bit difficult for me. TODAY's meditation from one of my little books said: "Trust Me and don't be afraid, for I am your Strength & Song..." I like that. God is all powerful. He is always here with me. He is everywhere. There is nowhere that He isn't. He is the creator of everything I can & can't see. There is so much more to life than just THIS. Than just NOW. Yet THIS & NOW are all I have. And I don't even have it. Neither do you. Only one person does, and that person is God. Forever present in the Holy Trinity. Three Persons in One. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. 
Always here. 
Always with me. 

SAMIAM " Home Sweet Home " One Of My Favorite "Emo" Songs--

Sunday, June 09, 2013

" Pyramids of Bosnia " & " Exotic Energy Generation " Two Great Documentaries--

Did you know there are ancient pyramids in the country of Bosnia? I only learned this fact recently on my journey of pyramidology! I love this stuff! from what I know there is some controversy involving the pyramids & the Bosnian government. Ostensibly the govt is pretending like the pyramids don't exist, that they are simply hills that LOOK like pyramids! But when some notable pyramid experts investigated the situation, they concluded that these are in fact pyramids dating back 10,000 or more years! Like I said, I'm just learning more about these, so I don't know a whole lot yet. But I will mos def write some when I get it sorted out.

Cheers! m//r


" The Great Pyramid: Gateway to the Stars " Documentary Movie Based on "The Orion Mystery" Book--

This is great! Lots of great information in this 45 minute documentary movie. I love discovering new videos on YouTube, but I hate it when folks re-upload a video with a different name!  Ugggh!  I click on the video only to discover that I've already seen it.  Oh well, high class problems, I've got. m//r

" 97% Owned - Economic Truth " Excellent Documentary--

The Secret of Oz - Winner, Best Docu of 2010 v.1.09.11