
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Video: SAMIAM Live 10-29-1990

Growing up Samiam and the Clash were my favorite bands! And I will always have a soft spot for "Soar"as I think it is Samiam's best record, hands down!

Monday, February 12, 2024

Video: "Egypt" BBC Select

This was very well done!
Good acting and filming, for sure!
But it really fills in 
the holes in the story in a way that keeps your attention more than anything else. 
I'm sure there were plenty of artistic liberties taken, but I still learned a lot from this docudrama. I've always had an affinity for Egypt and its long history. It fascinates me to think of a foreign culture having once lived in the exact spot where I'm standing. Maybe the ground was three or four feet lower and the surrounding terrain looked different, but it was still "here." It's just not "now."


Sunday, February 04, 2024

Video: "Vice Gets It Wrong On Groomers"

Never have I seen someone or some thing get it so wrong.
Leave the kids alone.
Vice has hit a new all time low.


Saturday, February 03, 2024

Video: Tucker Talks With Brett Weinstein About U.S. Invasion

This is insane to hear!
This isn't persecuted women and children fleeing for their lives. This is people exploiting a weakness in immigration and border policy.
This will eventually destroy America.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

From the Mouth of the Muse vol.9

A friend of mine suggested JoJo should drop out of the presidential race on the condition that Trump also drops out. I said that would be a fantastic idea!!
But that was a year ago. What can we do now?
Most people are not excited for either candidate.
How can you be?
Most people vote "against the other guy."
I would prefer Trump over JoJo because the economy was better and we were getting out of these proxy wars & forever wars.
But both of these guys say the dumbest shit. One is an outsider who says shit on purpose because he's an arrogant SOB and one is a career politician who says shit by mistake because he's got dementia. One acts like a big baby and one acts like a baby.
When I honestly look at the Pros & Cons of each would-be leader, JoJo has a lot more cons than Trump. Trump didn't authorize two illegal wars as a Senator, JoJo did. Trump didn't open the border to illegal immigration, JoJo did. Under Trump we weren't in a proxy war with Russia and Trump didn't leave the Taliban with $85 billion worth of weapons...
I guess I'll take the big baby if it means putting America first and no more useless wars or being the world's police!