
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Hardware Fanzine & Shore Style Punk Night Present: Floorpunch

Hardware Fanzine & Shore Style Punk Night Present: Floorpunch: Visit the post for more.

IRONSIDE "Ecstatic Ritual" / Straightedge Metalcore Champs from 1995

IRONSIDE!! Excellent '90s straightedge metalcore when it was just getting big! 1995. I remember getting one of their early 7" records from Very distribution. John Dudeck ran Very, and I ordered at least $75 in music & merch every payday--every two weeks! I loved Very distro, and I fucking LOVED that IRONSIDE 7" (I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it)!! I think about Very & John, and wonder whatever became of him? I've searched around and asked around and no one knows about him. I DID hear that he died about ten years ago, via Mike CTW. But I think Mike just heard that from someone else and it was unfounded. I sure hope he didn't die!! That's way too young! LIAR, CONGRESS, and all those H8000 straightedge metalcore bands of the '90s were so heavy and so powerful!! Most of it doesn't hold up over time, meaning it just doesn't sound as heavy, groundbreaking and intimidating as it did 25 years ago. There was nothing like being a '90s hardcore kid. Nothing!