
Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Monday, May 06, 2019

FURY "Failed Entertainment"

FURY's second full-length album "Failed Entertainment" was released on May 3, 2019. I've listened to it once & am going through it a second time to absorb it properly. I like it. It's good. It's hasn't grabbed me nearly as strongly as their first album, "Paramount" did. That's why I've got to absorb it & get familiar with it some more. In my mind, FURY can't top "Paramount"! That album was fresh & different. Though I do have a good feeling about this really taking root and growing on me and the hardcorepunk scene at large.

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

⚒️JUST ICE 2017 Demo Cassette⚒️

I'm digging this!  The first song starts off with a weird/eerie, but cool, sample of a woman singing then sets off into tough hardcore that sounds a lot like TRAPPED UNDER ICE, with a different type of gruff vocals.  Lots of melodic/singing back up vocals on every song.  
Good stuff!!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Allison Weiss "Wait For Me" // Best Idea for a Video, EVER!!--

I just love Allison Weiss! And I especially LOVE this video! Such a great idea, simple yet organic and real. Watch it a few times and read the story it's heartwarming!