
Saturday, January 16, 2016

More Books From My Shelf // KEEP READING!!

I really want to list & post here every book I have sitting on my shelves, and in stacks & piles surrounding me.  Mostly to let people know what I'm made of how I think, where I'm coming from, etc.  You absorb ideas, views, attitudes & mannerisms from the people you surround yourself with.  I completely believe the same is true with what you read (and watch, but I don't watch TV....maybe just too many "conspiracy theory" or "truther" YouTube videos).
Keep, keep reading!!  Paper books.  Real books. Hell, write a book!!  Yes, I have a Kindle & between my laptop & that device I have about a thousand digital books.  It's nice but there will never be an adequate 'replacement' for the printed book.  I'm not saying anything new.  Just keep reading.

"On the Road to Perfection"
  by G. Maloney

"The Hoax of the Twentieth Century"
 by Dr. Arthur Butz

"Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace"
 by Scott Hahn

"Satipatthana: The Direct Path To Realization"
 by Analayo

"Henry Ford & The Jews"
 by Neil Baldwin

"In the Heart of the Desert"
 by John Chryssavgis

"Hitler's Pope"
 by John Cornwell

"The Joy of Missing Out"
 by C. Crook

"The Arena"
 by Ignatius Brianchaninov

"The Unknown Pilgrim"
 by Rene Gothoni

"The Mystic Christ"
 "by Ethan Walker III

"Cave, Refectory, Road"
 by Ian Adams

"St. Mary of Egypt"
 trans. by Hugh Feiss

"Augustine on Prayer"
 by Thomas Hand

"Awareness: The Perils & Opportunities of Reality"
 by Anthony DeMello

"Biblical Demonology"
 by M.F. Unger

"Christian Mystics"
 by M. Fox

"Nothing in This Book is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are"
 by Bob Frissell

"Hinds' Feet on High Places"
 by Hannah Hurnard

"The Cross & the Kremlin"
 by T. Bremer

"The Tao of Inner Peace"
 by Diane Dreher

"Herzl's Vision"
 by Shlomo Avineri

"Travels in Siberia"
 by Ian Frazier

"Standing in God's Holy Fire"
 by J. Anthony McGuckin

"The Gospel Truth"
 by Alexander Holub, Ph.D.

"Bringing Jesus to the Desert"
 by Bradley Nassif

"The Purposeful Universe"
 by Carl Calleman, Ph.D.

"Understanding Iran"
 by William Polk

"Islamic Political Thought"
 ed. by Gerhard Bowering

"An Exorcist Tells His Story"
 by G. Amorth

"Man's Search for Meaning"
 by Viktor Frankl

"The Hermitess Photini"
 by Archimandrite Joachim Spetsieris

"Mysteries of the Virgin Mary"
 by Fr. Peter J. Cameron, O.P.

"The Desert Fathers"
 by Helen Waddell

"The Gurus, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios"
 by Dionysios Farasiotis

"The Desert Movement"
 by Alexander Ryrie

"Contemporary Ascetics of Mount Athos"
 by Archimandrite Cherubim

"The Yoga of Jesus"
 by Paramahansa Yogananda

"Keeping Mary Close"
 by Mike Aquilina & Dr. Fred Gruber

"What the Mystics Know"
 by Richard Rohr

"Reckless Rites"
 by Elliot Horowitz

"More Than Anyone Can Do: Zen Talks"
 by Ton Lathouwers

"The Urantia Book"
 by Urantia Foundation

"The Body & the Blood"
 by Charles M Sennott

"The Devil & The Jews"
 by J. Trachtenberg

"Growing Up Palestinian"
 by L. Bucaille

"The Second World War"
 by J.F.C. Fuller

"Facing East"
 by Frederica Matthewes-Green

"Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Earth"
 by Elana Freeland

"Dharma Road"
 by Brian Haycock

"We Are NOT Alone"
 by D. Schulze-Makuch & D. Darling

"Crazy John"
 by Dionysios A. Makris

"The Big Book of Reincarnation"
 by Roy Stemman

"The Art of Prayer"
 compiled by Igumen Chariton of Valamo

"Introduction to Serbian Orthodox Church History"
 by Bishop Nikolos Resource Center

"Reading the Bible as God's Own Story"
 by W.S. Kurz, SJ

"Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews"
 by Alan Hart

"Why Can the Dead Do Such Great Things?"
 by Robert Bartlett

"Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer"
 by Norris Chumley

"My Life In Christ"
 by St John of Kronstadt

"The Dhammapada"
 by K. Sri Dhammananda

"The Far Future Universe"
 ed by George F.R. Ellis

"The Station"
 by Robert Byron

"The American Orthodox Church"
 by George C. Michalopulos & Herb Ham

"Where We Got the Bible"
 by H.G. Graham

"Children of the Holocaust"
 by Arnost Lustig

"Amped: Notes From a Go-Nowhere Punk Band"
 by Jon Resh

"The Philokalia and the Inner Life"
 by C.H. Cook

"The Faith of the Saints"
 by Bishop Nikolai Velimirovic

"The Ancient Path: Old Lessons from the Church Fathers for a New Life Today"
 by John Michael Talbot

"The Other Gospels: Accounts of Jesus from Outside the New Testament"
 by Bart D. Ehrman & Zlatko Plese

"Pilgrims to Jerusalem in the Middle Ages"
 by Nicole Chareyron

"Rethinking Depression: How to Shed Mental Health Labels &
Create Personal Meaning"
 by Eric Maisel

"The Mindfulness Code: Keys for Overcoming Stress, Anxiety,
Fears, and Unhappiness"
 by Donald Altman

"The Magus of Strovolos: The Extraordinary World of a
Spiritual Healer"
 by Kyriacos C. Markides

"Weimar Germany: Promise and Tragedy"
 by Eric D. Weitz

"The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas"
 by Bernhard Pick

"A Guide to St. Symeon the New Theologian"
 by Hannah Hunt

"Basil of Caesarea: A Guide to His Life & Doctrine"
 by Andrew Radde-Gallwitz

"The Young Elder: A Biography of Blessed Archimandrite
Ambrose of Milkovo"
 by Archbishop Antony Medvedev

"Saint Athansius the Great, Patriarch of Alexandria"
 ed. by Father Samuel Nedelsky

"Brainstorm: Harnessing the Power of Productive Obsessions"
 by Eric Maisel & Ann Maisel

"Abandonment to Divine Providence"
 by Jean-Pierre de Caussade

"You and Your Problems"
 by Ven. Dr. K Sri Dhammananda

"Dreamgates: Exploring the Worlds of Soul, Imagination, and
Life Beyond Death"
 by Robert Moss

"Awaken to the Buddha Within"
 by Ven. Shi Wuling

"Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations: Ancient
Philosophy for Modern Problems"
 by Jules Evans

"New Frontiers in Guadalupan Studies"
 ed. by V. Elizondo & T. Matovina

"A Night in the Desert of the Holy Mountain: Discussion with a
Hermit on the Jesus Prayer"
 by Met. of Nafpaktos Hierotheos

"Dreaming the Soul Back Home: Shamanic Dreaming for Healing
and Becoming Whole"
 by Robert Moss

"Active Dreaming: Journeying Beyond Self-Limitation to a Life
of Wild Freedom"
 by Robert Moss

"Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche"
 by Bill Plotkin

"The Ancient Path: Old Lessons from the Church Fathers for a
New Life Today"
 by John Michael Talbot

"Jesus the Magician: A Renowned Historian Reveals How Jesus
Was Viewed by the People of His Time"
 by Morton Smith

"The Secret History of the Gnostics: Their Scriptures, Beliefs
and Traditions"
 by Andrew Phillip Smith

"The Lost Teachings of the Cathars: Their Beliefs & Practices"
 by Andrew Phillip Smith

"The Noonday Devil: Acedia, the Unnamed Evil of Our Times"
 by Jean-Charles Nault, O.S.B.

"Jesus Wept: When Faith & Depression Meet"
 by Barbara C. Crafton

"The Purposeful Universe: How Quantum Theory and Mayan
Cosmology Explain the Origin and Evolution of Life"
 by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D.

"Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena"
 by Marge Fenelon

"Ten Series of Meditations on the Mysteries of the Rosary"
 by Rev. John Ferraro

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Michael Cremo: "Forbidden Archaeology"

I love this guy!! I have the two most important books he wrote: "Forbidden Archeology" & "Human Devolution." He's a Hare Krishna, initiated by Swami Prabhupada in the mid 1970's. Cool. Vedic literature points to humans being on earth for millions of years! WOW!!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

"A Comparison of Eastern Orthodoxy & Evangelicalism"


Evangelicals claim their ancestry from the Apostles and the Early Church, although "early" is usually defined narrowly as the Church of the 1st century.  In reality Evangelicalism stems largely from the Protestant Reformation.  It is a river with many tributaries, including Lutheranism, Calvinism, Presbyterianism, the Baptists, Methodism, the Moravians, the Holiness Movement, Plymouth Brethren, Pentecostalism and the Independents, including the modern House Church Movement, to name some of the more prominent.  In addition most of the post-Reformation Churches have developed Evangelical parties within them, alongside liberals and, in the case of Anglicans, Anglo-Catholics.


What do all these Evangelicals have in common?  Most of them believe:
  1. Salvation or Justification by faith alone, not by works.
  2. That sound teaching is based on the Bible, Old and New Testament, some would say "sola Scriptura" – Scripture only.
  3. That to be saved one needs a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This is often described as being "born again."That the Church means any gathering of Christians –
  4.  and there is no such thing as the "true" or the "perfect Church". It is often said – "if there is a perfect Church, don’t join it, you will spoil it." Any gathering of two or more believing Christians is a Church.
Let us look at these from an Orthodox perspective:
  1. St Paul never wrote that Justification is by faith alone. The Orthodox certainly believe in Justification by Faith, but also in works as the fruit and evidence of that Justification. The Orthodox see Salvation as a much broader concept; it includes what the Orthodox call "Theosis", which is the working out of holiness in the life of the believer. Yes, the believer is saved; but also "being saved."
  2. The Bible never tells us that it is the basis of the truth. In fact St Paul tells us that it is "the church of the living God" which is the "bulwark of the truth" (1 Timothy 3:15). Scripture does not interpret itself; it needs to be interpreted. If one only looks at the thousands of different interpretations Evangelicals have made – leading to hundreds of different denominations. The Orthodox believe that the Church not the individual has the overall sense and meaning of the Scriptures as being the community that brought the Scriptures together under God's guidance and inspiration.
  3. The Orthodox agree in part that a personal relationship with Christ is necessary and to be born again, but do not leave it there. The Orthodox Church believes there is a corporate dimension to salvation. Salvation is in the Church, as Noah’s was in the ark.
  4. Perhaps the greatest weakness in Evangelicalism is its doctrine of the Church. It is interesting that the Orthodox teaching on this was never a source of dispute until the Reformation. There was disagreement on the issue of the nature of Christ and the Trinity; but in the early centuries the Church stood united in its clear understanding of itself.
Recent Comings Together

Until recently there has been very little contact between Evangelicals and Orthodox, but it is much more common today. One important overlap is with Methodism, and there is a Methodist / Orthodox Society in the United States, and a number of books have been written about this.
John Wesley’s time at Oxford in the 18th Century coincided with a revival of the study of the Church Fathers. When this happens there is nearly always a re-discovery of Orthodoxy. There are some who have concluded that Wesley based his distinctive teaching, which was called "Entire Sanctification", on the Greek Fathers. In the Orthodox Church this is called "Theosis" and is at the heart of its mystical tradition. Others have challenged these conclusions. Certainly Wesley’s ministry was condemned by some of his contemporary Evangelicals, and a man called Walker banned him from preaching in Truro in Cornwall.
What has been lacking in the distant past, has been more than made up for in recent times.
In 1995 the World Council of Churches organised an Orthodox-Evangelical Consultation in Alexandria, Egypt. The published report was titled Proclaiming Christ Today. A little earlier Evangelicals and Orthodox shared together in Cyprus. Their report published in 1992 was called Turning Over a New Leaf: Protestant Missions and the Orthodox Churches of the Middle East.
The most dramatic example of this new coming together was the conversion of two thousand Evangelicals from the American Bible belt to the Antiochian Orthodox Church in the 80s. Some of their stories have been published in a book called Coming Home, edited by their leader, once a leader in the Campus Crusade for Christ movement, now a Priest in the Orthodox Church – Father Peter Gillquist.
Bibliography  book turning
Turning over a New Leaf; Protestant Missions and the Orthodox Churches of the Middle East: (Interserve and Middle East Media – 1992)
John Wesley and Christian Antiquity: Ted A Campbell  (Kingswood Books 1991)
Coming Home: Why Protestant Clergy are becoming Orthodox: edited by Peter Gillquist  (Conciliar Press, 1992)
Orthodox and Wesleyan Spirituality: edited by S T Kimbrough  (St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2002)
Three Views of Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism  (Zondervan, 2004)
Evangelicalism and the Orthodox Church  (Acute 2001)
Proclaiming Christ Today: Orthodox Evangelical Consultation 1995   (WCC and Syndesmos 1996)
Beyond Salvation – Eastern Orthodoxy and Classical Pentecostalism on Becoming like Christ: Edmund J. Rybarczyk (Paternoster 2004)
Internet Resources  browse
Evangelicals Becoming Orthodox
(2)  "From Evangelical to Orthodox" by Fr. Gregory Rogers
Evangelical - Orthodox Dialogue
Orthodox Theology Contrasted
(1)  "What Christ Accomplished on the Cross" by Heiromonk Damascene
(2)  "Miles from the Truth" by Fr. John Whiteford and Patrick Barnes

(3)  "Salvation by Christ" by Carmen Fragapane