
Monday, June 22, 2020

Did NASA just Film UFOs In a Laser Battle?

This footage from the ISS is just plain weirdness! It's fuzzy & hectic & confusing, but it does look like some sort of laser beam.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

A HUGE Cover-Up Happened in Atlanta Last Night

I'm not a fan of the police whatsoever. 
But I've been a victim of crooked police on several occasions. 
And I'm White. Where was MY privilege? 
If the police can't do their job, who's gonna do it for them?

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Video: Former Judge Tracie Hunter Dragged Out of the Courtroom...

This is absolutely PATHETIC and primitive behavior! 
This woman was a JUDGE?
How does a low IQ person like her climb the social ladder and secure a terrific job as a judge?
And when she is finally cornered and brought to task for her crimes, she behaves like some kind of animal with mental retardation?!
We are living in strange & wild times, my friends!
Unity is our strength, NOT diversity!


"Destroying the Georgia Guide Stones" // Reallygraceful video from two-years ago--

This is two years old but very appropriate today!