
Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Video Podcast: "Becoming A Prison Brotherhood Shot Caller" Interview w/ Jon Jon Bristow

Here is a man who owned up to what he's done and was ready to change. 
And the only thing he had to change was everything. 
After being involved in one of the worst racial gangs there is in the prison system, and being responsible for hurting people, he began helping people.


Sunday, December 03, 2023

Audio: The Clash "The Lost 1978 Studio E P"

This is great!!  

Hot damn! I've never heard a few of these versions before!
The sped up version of "The Prisoner" is incredible!  As is this version of "White Man in Hammersmith Palais!" And "Stay Free" doesn't have the second guitar, the lead guitar, in it. I think this is the version from "Rude Boy" movie,
So awesome! Get into it!


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Video: New Flecca's Talks Episode "Ireland Wakes Up!" Have They Had too Much?

Why is the US military cutting down barbed wire and essentially letting illegal immigrants into our country?

Acutally, it's not just LETTING them in, but HELPING them in! 
What the bloody hell is going on at the southern border?


Video: Full Length Documentary "LEVEL" (FE Film)

Monday, November 27, 2023

Video: Documentary "Governments & Media roles in War Propaganda"

The United States Government is the number one purveyor of disinformation and fake news.
They are propagandists.
They lie to help themselves and hurt us.
They are in bed with the Military Industrial Complex.
They are in bed with Big Pharma.
They are in bed with Big Tech.
The Twitter Files episode showed us how the US government, and especially the Democrat party, censors its citizens using all manner of subterfuge & obfuscation.
They are all forked-tongue war mongers and murderers.


Video: "Have You Ever Seen a Star Do This? The Water Above, The Water Below"

This is beautiful. I have looked directly at the sun before (sun-gazing) and saw this. Others have pointed their amateur telescopes at stars and seen this. Why? What are the stars REALLY made of? What is outer space REALLY made of?