
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Video: Former Judge Tracie Hunter Dragged Out of the Courtroom...

This is absolutely PATHETIC and primitive behavior! 
This woman was a JUDGE?
How does a low IQ person like her climb the social ladder and secure a terrific job as a judge?
And when she is finally cornered and brought to task for her crimes, she behaves like some kind of animal with mental retardation?!
We are living in strange & wild times, my friends!
Unity is our strength, NOT diversity!


"Destroying the Georgia Guide Stones" // Reallygraceful video from two-years ago--

This is two years old but very appropriate today!

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Defund the Po-Po? // Really Graceful--

Most Libtards are scared to death of guns, so who are you going to call? 
Oh, a friend. 
Stay home!! Flaten the curve! 
Go out & protest, riot, loot, BUUUURN! 
So, which is it? Stay home or go out? This Coronavirus is a fucking SC@@@M!!

If it's OK to go out and protest with thousands & thousands
of other people, packed together like prisoners in a cell block,
then it's OK for kids to go back to school.
True story.


Detroit's hardest!


Friday, June 05, 2020

"Oddest Friendships Between Animals" // This is So Cool!!

What a neat & beautiful real slice of life we have here!! My favorite is the deer & the house dog. So interesting & heartwarming! Many of these animals are better than certain human beings. I love it!!