
Saturday, May 19, 2018

RIP Brandon Ferrell (April 28, 1984-May 31, 2016) Drummer of MUNICIPAL WASTE & Other Bands --

From the truepunkmetal blog, run by the guy from MONSTER X/DAS OATH, and posted two years ago.  Old news, but I always like to re-post reports of fellow hardcorepunk kids who pass away --always too early.
I didn't know you, but we share a love for punk & hardcore music.  So rest in peace and God bless your soul and your family.

True Punk & Metal: RIP Brandon Ferrell (April 28, 1984-May 31, 2016): This is terrible news. My heart goes out to his twins and his family. I'm sure those of us that knew Brandon all have...

Friday, May 11, 2018

The "Atacama" Humanoid Creature--

This being is not human, says many people a lot smarter than me.  It's got a substantial amount of unexplained DNA.  This little Extraterrestrial Humanoid is kinda cute.  I'd like to see a scientists rendering of what it probably looked like with "skin."

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Mount Athos Documentary--

This is a smaller production documentary than the CBS "60 Minutes" one done several years back.  Of course CBS has more money at their disposal.  In many ways this documentary is mysterious and beautiful!  I have been fascinated with Mount Athos, Greece for ten years now, ever since I read Basil Pennington's, "The Monks of Mount Athos" book.  Since then I've read a dozen books on the Holy Mountain and watched countless videos as well.  Check this out, stay calm, and pray, "Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner." Amen.