
Friday, May 24, 2013

Something Is Missing--

Checkin' in here, for anyone who may be reading. Friends, acquantences, lovers, and liars. Things have been going swell over the past two months. I'm working a lot these days--got a very good gig doing landscaping for 'R & J Lawn & Snow' out of Ann Arbor. We work all over Washtenaw county. Mainly in west A2, Dexter, Chelsea, and Ypsilanti. Mowing, weeding, edging, mulching, fall clean-up (well, not yet of course), and all things lawn & landscaping. I've been getting sunburned & tanned, sunburned & tanned, ad infinitum. Yes, it's a little hard trying to keep up with these 20-25 yr old kids, but I'm hanging in there! Beside's the money's really, really good! I've also lost 6 pounds since I started this job! Yay for me! God is good. He really is. But there's just something lacking in my life. Perhaps it's love. Yes. Love. Love. That four letter word....

" Christianity Was In India 2000 yrs Ago " Great Theories Here--

Listen up! This is an excellent documentary proposing that Jesus Christ, Son of God, spent several years of His life in the areas of China, India, Tibet, Nepal, etc. Learning & teaching with different sages & mystics & "wise-men." There ARE many, many people who earnestly believe that Jesus did some extensive traveling between the ages of 12 & 30. I'm not saying He did or didn't go to these countries. But I do love watching these kinds of stories & reading books on this subject. I am a Catholic Christian who goes to Mass every Sunday, but I refuse to be closed-minded about other people's beliefs & views or stories such as this. Check it out for yourself & make up your own mind. Follow your heart. Always use love.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"The Most Holy Theotokos" by Archbishop Lazar Puhalo - Byzantine Seminary Press

Here's a quick link to a book I think will be interesting. I can never read or hear enough about the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, my Mother, & the Most Holy Theotokos. "Theotokos" is a Greek word that means, "bearer of God." In the Eastern Orthodox & Eastern Catholic churches, Mary is called Theotokos. I think it's a beautiful word! I will most likely order this book this week (last week of May), but I am already about sixty books in the hole. Meaning I have around sixty books on my shelves that I haven't even read yet! Yikes!!! OK everyone, remember to TRY to love on another & TRY to take care of one another. Peace.

>>The Most Holy Theotokos by Archbishop Lazar Puhalo (link to the Byzantine Seminary Press)

Thursday, May 09, 2013

"STOLEN BOOKS" // Poem---------------------------

Stolen Books...the hurdles that I climbed were just hurdles in my mind.
Check out the Prince of Unity, and see what he always sees.  Check out the patterns of his'll be alright. We've known each other since we were nine or ten.
Together we killed frogs and we crossed seas.
But now the joy is gone, it's in my head where it burned strong.
See the tracers in the air & you cry 'cuz you're not there.
And what makes you free from fear, growing pains and losing hair?
It's a thousand blows that kept us here and even now when He's not near.
In my sweat is where I lose the most of me. I shake, I shit, I suck, I lose, I'm back.
I took the steps and I rode the waves. But now the waves ride me.
This is my manifest function.
Altruistic and with purpose.
Ignition of the mind.

-me 5/8/11

***Currently Listening To:
  ...and those mp3's of German marching music from WWII

***Currently Reading:
  COMETBUS fanzine