Zionist and their worldwide domination.
Banksters & liars. AIPAC (American Israeli Political Action Committee)
Why does a foreign country have a lobbying group in the American
political landscape? How strange, weird, unsettling, and WRONG.
I've had enough.
Watch & learn.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Father Frank Pavone from Priests for Life
Today was an extra special day as we had a guest priest say mass at Christ the King
church in Ann Arbor. Father Frank Pavone was in town to address a Pro-Life / Culture
of Life conference yesterday. He is the president of "Priests for Life" a national Pro-Life
organization. He is an amazing man & I feel blessed being in his presence. Awesome day!
Saturday, January 12, 2013
" Clampdown " by The CLASH! Great Fan Made Video!!! Get Into It!
Awesome homemade video for "Clampdown" by The CLASH, "The Only Band That Matters!" Joe Strummer died ten years ago, as most of you know. If you don't know then you were never a big CLASH fan. This song is from the "London Calling" album that came out in Dec. 1979, but made it onto many lists for "greatest album of the 1980's!" I would say that 'London Calling' is one of my favorite albums ever! Actually, anything The CLASH did is my favorite!
Tuesday, January 08, 2013
"Zionist Kosher Tax" & the Symbols on YOUR Food Supporting Israel --
This is disgusting. Why are we sorry Gentiles forced to pay for special food for less than 3% of the American population? Makes me angry! How many of you out there were even aware of what this truly is? I mean, everyone sees the little symbols on most of the pre-packaged food for sale, but most people aren't even sure of what it's there for. Educate yourselves! The more you learn about this evil cabal of people, the more angry you will get.
Monday, January 07, 2013
H2O - " It Was a Good Day" ICE CUBE Cover Song!
Awesome version of "It Was a Good Day" originally done by Ice Cube,
I think?!? Am I correct? I'm not too familiar with most hip-hop
or rap or whatever it's called (R&B?)
This song I do know, however. And this version kicks-ass!
I love me some H2O. I wish what's-her-name was more into hardcore
and would come to the show with me next month. :(
Well, shit in one hand and wish in the other & see which one
fills up faster, eh?!?
Father Frank Pavone To Say Mass Next Sunday @ CTK
I am excited about next weekend: Father Frank (Pavone), who runs "Priests for Life", a national Pro-Life organization, will be in town next weekend to host a seminar/workshop/conference at EMU & say mass. This will be held in the student center on the campus of Eastern Michigan University. I plan on attending even though finances are tight right now. This is one of those times when I refuse to let my money-brokeness be a barrier to my spiritual formation. Reducing abortion---eliminating it if I had the power to--is one of the most important issues in my life currently.
Truth be told, it has been an important issue for a number of years now, but I chose to surround myself with closed-minded people who dampened my spiritual growth or were zealots for the pro-aborion movement, hiding behind an ostensible "women's health" agenda. Never mind the FACT that half of all babies murdered worldwide are female--very young 'women' if you will--and snuffing out their lives "on demand" & "without apology" can hardly be classified as healthy for women! As if I'm somehow opposed to free flu-shots or affordable mammograms for females. To me, THAT'S a women's health issue. The "War on Women" being perpetrated by the far left is disgusting, despicable, low-down, & dirty. One would have to be blind & half retarded to ignore the plethora of data on not only the psychological & emotional turmoil inflicted on women in the form of Post Abortion Stress Disorder (PASD), but the physical harm as well. But like I said, it's also medically harmful to the slaughtered babies. Duh. Treating women as political pawns and commodities to advance the radical "culture of death" is disturbing, to say the least. Think of the "I vote with my vagina" slogans, signs, and internet memes of this last presidential election. I'm fond of the conservative women's rebuttal to that campaign: "I vote with more than my vagina, I vote with my brain!" How succinctly put. And what about the majority of abortionists being male? How about some discussion on how they are getting rich off of a painful, confusing, and depressing time for most of the women opting to pursue an abortion? I am shocked & dismayed every time I hear someone accuse republicans of waging war on women & women's health! Ugghhh. I'm equally shocked at this perpetuation of the culture of death! I'm won't even touch on China's 'one baby policy' or sex selective abortion, which is the NUMBER ONE reason for abortion, worldwide. Nasty, nasty, nasty.
OK, I'ma step down off my soapbox now.
Fr. Frank will be the guest priest saying mass at my church, Christ the King, next Sunday! I'm excited to finally get to meet this dude! Hopefully I'll be able to have him sign one of his books for me at the conference on Saturday.
Yep, I agree that being excited for a guest priest at church is something I never saw myself experiencing. The irony...
I will make another post later about Priests for Life and what they do.
I pray my friends who read this (all seven of them) will not be too irate & we can respectfully agree to disagree.
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