
Friday, June 15, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

ZOMBIE ATTACK in Miami man eats face like cannibal even after multiple s...

Vote Stigma '08 Spot #1

LEATHERFACE!!! " Springtime " Live in Dublin, Ireland 08/2007

Here we have for your pleasure & enjoyment, a nice quality live clip of the legendary LEATHERFACE playing "Springtime" from a show back in '07 in Dublin, Ireland. I admit, I was late jumping on the LEATHERFACE bandwagon! Just heard them for the first time three yrs ago. Even though I had the LEATHERFACE / HOT WATER MUSIC split 12" on BYO records many, many years ago. (When was it released? 2001?) Check it out...actually, check out all of their stuff. Download it, steal it, buy it, whatever, just get into them! With love my friends, with love. m//r

Chuck Ragan " Sound of a Gun " (cover of a PANTHRO UK UNITED 13 song!)

Here I have for you, my fine feathered friends, a cool video of Chuck Ragan--lead singer (one of them) of HOT WATER MUSIC from Gainesville, FL--doing an acoustic version of "Sound of a Gun" originally done by the awesome band, PANTHRO UK UNITED 13!!! This is neat. I'm usually not too into the "lead singer breaks up hardcorepunk band and starts doing acoustic guitar shows" thingy, but I like this a lot. Peace in the Middle East & lots of love, m//r.