This was the opening song to the award ceremony of the Flat Earth Society. Walking the dead line. The line line line. Splitt Lipp. Keep the sun up. The sun never sets on souls like us.
Old souls. Souls inhabited. Life. Love. Regret. Worldwide. Increase the peace. I must decrease
these needs. These needy ones. Ones in love. Love kills. Lovers kills. Sometimes gods fight. Not my God. My God my God, why have you forsaken me? Why the time. Times. No time like the times we shared. Time kills. We don't. He does. Increase the peace. Decrease the needs. keep it up, keep the sun up. Print lies & live a lie. Lye in the eye, for a fall guy. in the sky. Pie-eyed. Life. Love. Regret. California is sinking. NYC is rising. One is born, another dies. I love you all. God help me. Saint Francis, pray for me. I am a lowly animal. God save us all.