
Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Lost Years Of Jesus | Mysterious Saint Isa In India | By Richard Boc...

Ch em tr ails

They are NOT contrails. 
They are chemtrails.

They are poisoning us because they want us dead.
Well, I don't want to die!
I choose life because I want to live!

I choose the Light because the evil one lurks in
the darkness.

Get behind me, Satan!

As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

The Florida Keys: 200 Years of Paradise

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Video: John Lydon being the kindest person alive for 8 minutes straight

He's a stand up guy after all. Totally loyal to his wife of 45 years, raising grandchildren as his own children, wow. I'm completely stumped here. Being a family man, a real man. I don't know exactly why he dissed Joe Strummer, I don't even know if it's true. I assumed he was a stand-offish egotistical prick. I just watched a few hours of his biography and I was wrong.