
Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Itals & Roots Radics Live (Audio) Kansas City, 1988

Excellent recording and overall sound quality! It's very similar to the Washington DC 1984 concert that is up on YouTube. 
I love it!


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Friday, August 23, 2024

Video: "When Israel Murdered Military Men from the United States: The USS Liberty Story"

Remember the USS Liberty! 
Israel did this. Palestine did not do this.
And yet, Israel constantly tells us to watch out for the dangerous Palestines who murder people just for the hell of it.   
I will not be gaslit!
Mr. Democrat and Mr. Republican, I refuse to listen to your bullshit anymore. I will not listen to you today or tomorrow. I will not listen to you the day after tomorrow either.
Israel should actually be classified as our enemy. America's enemy. They are not our allies and we should stop giving them a blank check for endless war.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Video: "Artificial Intelligence Created A Swinging Big Band Song About Sodomy"

This is a song about having your stool pushed in at the end of the night.

Although she isn't moving anymore, she wants the movers to still pack her sh#t. Maybe even pack it and repack it.


Friday, June 28, 2024

Video: Off With Their Heads

This is a terrific video of the underrated punk band, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! 

"My time spent in hospitals, makes it seem impossible to ever walk back through that door. You've got so much more to do, I'd trade it all with you, cuz I'm just a drug addict passed out on some floor..." 

We are grown ups. We are the ones who give permission, we no longer have to ask for it.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

SOMETHING BIZZARE Happening in the SKY (Nibiru?)

Is it a planet? 

Is it a portal or wormhole?
Is it a physical object or is it some kind of projection (Blue Beam tech?) with no physical attributes?

Is it moving closer towards earth or is it stationary?

Are there intelligent life forms associated with it? Are they friend, foe, or indifferent to us?

Too many questions and not enough time.


Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Lost Years Of Jesus | Mysterious Saint Isa In India | By Richard Boc...

Ch em tr ails

They are NOT contrails. 
They are chemtrails.

They are poisoning us because they want us dead.
Well, I don't want to die!
I choose life because I want to live!

I choose the Light because the evil one lurks in
the darkness.

Get behind me, Satan!

As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

The Florida Keys: 200 Years of Paradise

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Video: John Lydon being the kindest person alive for 8 minutes straight

He's a stand up guy after all. Totally loyal to his wife of 45 years, raising grandchildren as his own children, wow. I'm completely stumped here. Being a family man, a real man. I don't know exactly why he dissed Joe Strummer, I don't even know if it's true. I assumed he was a stand-offish egotistical prick. I just watched a few hours of his biography and I was wrong.     

Tuesday, March 05, 2024


  • Proverbs 14:17. “A man of quick temper acts foolishly, and a man of evil devices is hated.”
  • Proverbs 29:11. “Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.”
  • Proverbs 16:32. “ Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.”

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Video: SAMIAM Live 10-29-1990

Growing up Samiam and the Clash were my favorite bands! And I will always have a soft spot for "Soar"as I think it is Samiam's best record, hands down!

Monday, February 12, 2024

Video: "Egypt" BBC Select

This was very well done!
Good acting and filming, for sure!
But it really fills in 
the holes in the story in a way that keeps your attention more than anything else. 
I'm sure there were plenty of artistic liberties taken, but I still learned a lot from this docudrama. I've always had an affinity for Egypt and its long history. It fascinates me to think of a foreign culture having once lived in the exact spot where I'm standing. Maybe the ground was three or four feet lower and the surrounding terrain looked different, but it was still "here." It's just not "now."


Sunday, February 04, 2024

Video: "Vice Gets It Wrong On Groomers"

Never have I seen someone or some thing get it so wrong.
Leave the kids alone.
Vice has hit a new all time low.


Saturday, February 03, 2024

Video: Tucker Talks With Brett Weinstein About U.S. Invasion

This is insane to hear!
This isn't persecuted women and children fleeing for their lives. This is people exploiting a weakness in immigration and border policy.
This will eventually destroy America.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

From the Mouth of the Muse vol.9

A friend of mine suggested JoJo should drop out of the presidential race on the condition that Trump also drops out. I said that would be a fantastic idea!!
But that was a year ago. What can we do now?
Most people are not excited for either candidate.
How can you be?
Most people vote "against the other guy."
I would prefer Trump over JoJo because the economy was better and we were getting out of these proxy wars & forever wars.
But both of these guys say the dumbest shit. One is an outsider who says shit on purpose because he's an arrogant SOB and one is a career politician who says shit by mistake because he's got dementia. One acts like a big baby and one acts like a baby.
When I honestly look at the Pros & Cons of each would-be leader, JoJo has a lot more cons than Trump. Trump didn't authorize two illegal wars as a Senator, JoJo did. Trump didn't open the border to illegal immigration, JoJo did. Under Trump we weren't in a proxy war with Russia and Trump didn't leave the Taliban with $85 billion worth of weapons...
I guess I'll take the big baby if it means putting America first and no more useless wars or being the world's police!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

From the Mouth of the Muse vol.8 "Mexico and America"

Two strong nations on the way out. Mexico is a failed state. The US is a failing state and everyone sees it but is powerless to stop it. We are allowing 100,000 people per week to cross into here unvetted and uninvited. Since Biden took office, more money has gone to Ukraine than to secure the border. The government doesn't even try to hide it: Americans are to care more about Ukraine's border than to our border. Half a trillion dollars have been sent to Ukraine to "preserve Democracy" but if you suggest a border wall for America it is seen as racist. Low IQ people think that "Mexican" is a race (it's a nationality with Mestizo & White people, not a race) and a secure border is some new idea that only racist, White, hateful Americans would come up with. No critical thinking skills are used, just talking points. No clue about world politics, world history, or major events. Basically it's: Slavery only happened in America by White Europeans stealing Africans, Blacks today are barely one level above slaves, only White people can be racist & they are all oppressors, and they only want a wall to keep all the "brown POC" out. Only poor brown POC are crossing, just live a better life & be contributing members of society. They wouldn't have to flee if racist White Americans hadn't destabilized all the Latin American countries. As a White American of Colombian descent & as an ex far-left liberal, I scoff at everything they say. I've been on both sides of the argument & I've studied things for years. The USA did a lot of bad bad shit. Starting off with buying slaves to do the grunt work, then to backing coups or starting coups in Latin American nations, trafficking cocaine to fund it while flooding the Black communities with crack. I hate racism like any other sane & decent person. But we must remain connected to reality: In 1865 racist White Americans fought a war to end slavery. 350,000 Northerners died. Not only is there zero gratitude, there is hardly an acknowledgement! I don't need a federal holiday or a parade, but how about a mention when you diss me and my ancestors? When you tabulate the White races sins why not mention some of the shit we got right? Because gaslighting is used, not reality. History records Black Africans selling Black slaves long before White raids through Africa. In fact, those Africans became filthy rich selling human cargo. History is complicated, but it's been recorded and everyone has the internet in their back pocket. Anyone can read primary sources to find out the truth. This topic is painting so many people's worldview and it can't be separated from ideas of securing the southern border. Complicated problems with complicated solutions are not the Liberals strong point. Ask these questions: When did Ethiopia end slavery? When did Saudi Arabia end slavery? Why are there no Black communities in Saudi Arabia or other Islamic countries after slavery was abolished? Did any Black African countries have Black African slaves? Who are the Slavic peoples? What is Liberia and what's happened during its history? How was Mexico founded & why have they had to many presidents? If America is the most racist, bigoted nation then why would brown POC risk their lives to cross INTO it? Which countries are better for Black & brown people to thrive in? Which country is better for LGBTQ rights than America & which Islamic nation would you be freer in? The fact that we have elected officials in America who believe & espouse this b.s is an abomination! We have a Black, Muslim, woman from Somalia in the US Congress who says that America oppresses Black, Muslim, women and they can't get ever succeed. Her salary is $200,000 but she is worth millions and she is married to a White man. Recently she said, "White men are the greatest threat in America." She makes the laws in this country. She holds a prestigious position, and she's here because America gave her asylum from a murderous regime which made her homeland unlivable. She's filthy rich and successful, married to the greatest danger to America, and she's telling you that Black women can't succeed. Fcckin unreal! Then they clump together Japanese Americans, every Native American tribe, Mestizos from Guatemala & México, African college students studying here, Chaldean convenience store owners, Chinese scientists at UCLA, and Black American descendents of slaves, into one group. They pretend that these people all have the same struggles and the same story. They are all "People of Color" and they are all victims of White Supremacy. The formula is so old now and so played out. It's predictable and it's easily seen. I've talked with so many people who are convinced 10-20,000 Black people are killed by police every year. They are convinced to a man that White cops are actively hunting down Black people with impunity. They are convinced the reason Blacks make up 80% of prisons is because crooked White cops frame up so many of them and racist White prison officials keep them there longer due to their White Supremacy. In Ann Arbor, MI, educated college kids believe these lies and have identities & outlooks based on this. Any real attempt at challenging this is met with denial, confusion, and ultimately anger and name-calling, "White Nationalist bigot colonialist" is their favorite. As we have ALL seen, you can be Black and you will get called the "Black face of White Supremacy," or Jewish and get called a "Neo-Nazi fascist!" It's gotten so convoluted & outrageous that the White Supremacists are a more diverse group than those who oppose it! Recently a teacher was suspended and the entire school staged a walk-out because he asked student to NOT use the "n-word" in class anymore. Except he said that "n-word" while quoting them. Not with a hard R but the -gga slang term they used. The word is somehow a term of endearment used with each other, but a White teacher quoting them in reference to telling his class to stop using racist language is basically a Hitler in disguise!!! If MLK was alive he would shake the teacher's hand and thank him for being an ally. A secure border won't stop all drugs from entering, but it is a start. $500 billion to Ukraine, a blank check for endless war, could've been the money needed to put tens of thousands of Americans to work building the wall, patrolling the new border wall, inspecting every single cargo container entering our ports, and a collective effort to treat the addiction causing homelessness. But the government doesn't really want that. They have something to gain by this mass migration and drug market. America needs to have a talk with itself.

Monday, January 01, 2024

Video: ENDEAVOR & LIFETIME in New Brunswick, NJ, 11/22/1997

This is really good and a perfect snapshot of the hardcore scene in the mid 1990s! 
LIFETIME have been one of my favorite bands for the past 30 years, after meeting them randomly on the streets of Ann Arbor, near the University of Michigan campus, back in 1992. They were on tour for the "Background" album that was just released on New Age Records and were playing that night in Detroit. They had the BOUNCING SOULS along with them on tour, and they had only a demo tape out at this point, "What Doesn't Kill Us Only Makes Us Stronger." At least that's the title of the demo tape as I remember it, though their discogs page calls it something else. But I digress.  I bought a t-shirt and the "Background" album on vinyl from the LIFETIME guys, and the demo tape from the BOUNCING SOULS.
This started a casual friendship with the guitarist of LIFETIME, Dr. Dan and I.  A solid dude who has done a lot for the hardcore scene over the past 30+ years. I've seen his many bands (LIFETIME, KID DYNAMITE, PAINT IT BLACK) play all over the country since that day!

What a beautiful time to be alive!