
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

GUILT TRIP "Unrelenting Force" EP from the UK--

Great release here from this British band, GUILT TRIP!  They've got that 80s thrash sound going on, much like POWER TRIP from Texas.  Another good band.  Wonder what kind of trip would happen if these two bands met up?!?  LOL!

KEEP THEM SHUT "Stray Rats" EP from Germany--

I'm digging this!  New band doing something a bit different in the hardcore realm.  The opening song is an instrumental that sounds rad!  Vocals kick in in the second song, and are gonna take a bit of getting used to.  But as I said, I'm digging this.  Cool band name too.

Monday, April 23, 2018

CLIKITAT IKATOWI full length from 1995--

This was released on Gravity Records in 1995.  The drummer, Mario R., went on to play with Dan O. (NO FOR AN ANSWER, SPEAK 714 & CARRY NATION) in 411 and then more recently, OFF! (with Keith Morris of the CIRCLE JERKS & BLACK FLAG). 
The drums stand out the most on this record, and that's because Mario Rublaca is a bad ass drummer.  Someone said he was in HOT SNAKES, with guys from ROCKET FROM THE CRYPT, is that true???

NO YOUTH promo/advance release 2016

This has got some TRAPPED UNDER ICE groove to it.  But it's also got me thinking of good D.R.I. at times.  I like this, it feels solid and I can't wait to hear more from them?  NO YOUTH!!

HIT LIST "No Chance in Hell" 7" Record--

I guess this is one of those newer South Florida hardcore bands that have been popping up recently.  I'm not super keen on the vocals, but overall this is a great effort!!  xHIT LISTx

Sunday, April 22, 2018

PLUNGER s/t LP (1997 Emotional Hardcore!)

Self titled album from the late 1990s hardcore band, PLUNGER!  I honestly don't even remember this band.  Stumbled across this record on YouTube and I definitely had to share it.  Sounds like a cross between STILL LIFE & RITES OF SPRING with a dash of EMBRACE!!  That's a good thing!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Great Psychedelic Stoner Surprise in Here--


New hardcore band with a female singer.  This is catchy and brings to mind some late 80's hardcorepunk bands.  I definitely want to find a download link to snag this!