
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Video: "411" Live in Long Beach, CA 1991 // Dan O. from NO FOR AN ANSWER & CARRY NATION -- Super Rare Footage

Great full show from 411 around the "This Isn't Me" album / tour back in 1991!! Pretty rare stuff actually, considering there's just not a lot of live 411 on YouTube -- or anywhere else on the interwebz for that matter.  In case you didn't know, Dan O'Mahoney, the singer of 411, also sang in NO FOR AN ANSWER, CARRY NATION, SPEAK 714, GOD FORGOT, and more recently another band whose name escapes me at this moment. He also wrote an excellent column for MRR (Maximum Rock-n-Roll) fanzine during, I believe, the late 90's thru early 90's. Or maybe early to mid 90's. I've always loved Dan's vocal delivery, and for the most part, his lyrical content.  Dan O. is no longer straightedge, and he owns a bar/club somewhere in Cali.  Regardless, he's still a solid guy in my book (though admittedly I've never met him & don't know him --I just feel like I do through his music and his well written monthly articles from MRR) and a hardcore punkrock legend of sorts. 
This video (and many, many great others like it) were recently uploaded to YT via a great new channel called "Come Join Friends."  Lots of awesome 80's/90's hardcorepunk like SHELTER, YOUTH OF TODAY, GORILLA BISCUITS, INSIDE OUT, and several other Revelation Records bands and straightedge stuff.  Subscribe to their channel to keep abreast of their new (old) videos on YT and get into it!! -Always Use Love, m//r.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Documentary Video: "IN LIES WE TRUST: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism" [Fantastically Well Researched Film]

This is far & away one of the best "conspiracy" documentaries I have ever seen! This man who put this together has many advanced degrees and was an employee of the US government doing exactly what he now exposes & is opposed to! Basically one of those government insiders who blows the lid off of things. They generally get 'suicided' by agents of the omnipresent military industrial complex. This man is alive & well and boy does he dig deep! You really just need to watch it and pay close attention because he backs up everything he says with proper documentation & sourcing.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Karin Friedemann: "Myths and Facts about al-Qaeda" (great article you MUST read!)

Karin is a good friend of mine. I love her tons & tons & tons.  She is an OUTSTANDING writer--clear & succinct.
She is an anti-Zionist like me. (Not anti-Jewish.)
Please stop your twisting things around & whining, "anti-Jew, anti-Semitic" b.s. (Most Israeli Jews are NOT even of Hebrew descent, they are descended from the kingdom of Khazar.) Learn your history before you throw the "racist" or "anti-Semite" accusation at me/her/us/everyone.

Karin Friedemann: Myths and Facts about al-Qaeda [external link]: The media myth of a global Islamic conspiracy never got much traction in America before 2001 because the minority Muslim American population...

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

R.I.P. Charlie Anderberg

Andrew Charles  Anderberg was born March 23, 1975 in Salina, Kansas, and died September 4, 2014 in Fort Myers, Florida.
Raised in Houston, TX and Ann Arbor, MI, Charlie was a graduate of Fr. Gabriel Richard High School, Ann Arbor (1993). Charlie graduated Cum Laude with a B.S. in Social Work from Eastern Michigan University (2009) and completed his Masters in Social Work at Barry University, Miami, FL (2010). Charlie made it his life's mission to help and be of service to others who were suffering and in pain. He said that he saw the face of Jesus in each person he served. In 8 years of hard-won sobriety, Charlie completed his education and worked for the Michigan Prisoner Re-entry Initiative, the Delonis Center Homeless Shelter in Ann Arbor, and the Veteran's Administration in Homeless Veteran Outreach in Miami and Ft. Myers.
Charlie was preceded in death by his brother, Tim Anderberg. 
He is the beloved son of Roger and Lorrie Anderberg, brother of Christi Mangan, Claire Anderberg, and Therese Anderberg, uncle of Eva, Camilla, Anastasia, and Xavier Mangan, nephew, cousin, and true friend to many who love him and grieve his passing. 

"Then [Jesus] will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me. ...Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'" Mt. 25: 34-40.

Please visit Charlie's tribute page to share a memory at